
CVP (Cost-Volume-Profit) analiza kao instrument poslovnog odlučivanja u uslužnoj djelatnosti
CVP (Cost-Volume-Profit) analiza kao instrument poslovnog odlučivanja u uslužnoj djelatnosti
Antonella Juranić
Diplomski rad naslova CVP (Cost-Volume-Profit) analiza kao instrument poslovnog odlučivanja u uslužnoj djelatnosti analizira mogućnost korištenja CVP analize kod donošenja poslovnih odluka u poduzeću koje se bavi uslužnom djelatnosti. Kod djelatnosti koja se bavi isključivo prodajom usluga otežana je primjena CVP analize jer svaka usluga se prilagođava željama kupaca što rezultira različitim iznosom varijabilnog troška i prodajne cijene. Stoga se kao mjera aktivnosti uzimaju...
Calculating Croatia´s GDP- adjusted Big Mac Index
Calculating Croatia´s GDP- adjusted Big Mac Index
Ea Dumančić
Found in every international economy textbook, the Big Mac Index is widely known as a ‘light-hearted’ guide to understanding the Purchasing Power Parity theory. Published by The Economist in 1986 it wasn’t until 2011 that the magazine took into account differences in productivity between countries and constructed its GDP-adjusted Big Mac Index. Built on the Penn Effect, adjusted Big Mac Index acknowledges the role each country’s price levels play in forming Big Mac prices. The...
Calculation and recording of salaries in the Republic of Croatia and in the United Kingdom
Calculation and recording of salaries in the Republic of Croatia and in the United Kingdom
Petra Rusev
With the purpose of better understanding salaries, this final paper is about salary calculation and salary components of the system in the Republic of Croatia and United Kingdom. Furthermore, it is shown how to analyze the accounting calculation and record keeping of salaries based on the appropriate accounting methods which are determined by law for every fiscal year. This paper examines and logically connects the legal and accounting rules and regulations which are explained through...
Carbon footprint and ecological awareness of students
Carbon footprint and ecological awareness of students
Ema Sušanj-Širola
The problem of environment became a subject of intensive interdisciplinary study in the last twenty years because of its devastating effect and grave consequences on all levels of human activities and life. Many authors throughout the world study the problem of carbon footprint from the economic point of view assuming that consumers‘ behavior, purchasing decisions, green consumption values and environmentally friendly products can contribute greatly to preservation of our planet and...
Carbon footprint of the food industry - situation and perspective
Carbon footprint of the food industry - situation and perspective
Iva Dakić
The total amount of greenhouse gas emissions that are produced by a person, product, business, or event are referred to as their carbon footprint. The term carbon footprint includes the monitoring of other greenhouse gases besides carbon dioxide (CO 2), such as water vapor (H2O), methane (CH4), nitrogen suboxide (N2O), chlorofluorocarbons or fluorinated gases (CFCs). Nowadays, a person's choices can affect how much of a pressure they put on the environment, or how much of a future climate...
Carinski dokumenti u međunarodnoj trgovini
Carinski dokumenti u međunarodnoj trgovini
Lucija Poljičanin
Međunarodna trgovina, to jest vanjska trgovina, je djelatnost koja obuhvaća razmjenu roba i usluga s inozemstvom, odnosno sveukupnu razmjenu materijalnih i nematerijalnih dobara između zemalja. Carina je najstariji instrument vanjskotrgovinske politike. Radi se o porezu koji se plaća na dobra ili usluge koja prelaze državnu granicu odnosno carinsku crtu. U financijskom smislu podrazumijeva novčana davanja koja se naplaćuju u prekograničnom prometu roba i usluga u korist državnog...
Carinski sustav i carinski postupci
Carinski sustav i carinski postupci
Petra Mrgić
Predmet ovog završnog rada su carinski sustav i carinski postupci. Danas svaka država svoje gospodarstvo štiti određenim mjerama i postupcima. Ta se zaštita sastoji u carinskim barijerama koje za domaće gospodarstvo predstavljaju zaštitu njezina ekonomskog integriteta i suvereniteta, a za državu koja je uvodi kao mjeru zaštite je prihod. Dana 1. srpnja 2013. godine Republika Hrvatska postala je 28. punopravna članica Europske unije. Cilj rada je analizirati što je donio ulazak...
Case studies of market integration in the European Union - movement of goods
Case studies of market integration in the European Union - movement of goods
Matea Marjanović
The free movement of goods is one of the four freedoms of the Internal European market and is ensured by the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union. In addition to the free movement of goods, the free movement of workers, services and capital is included. Four freedoms represent the very core of European law. The European integration is based on Internal Market integration, and today that process has outgrown its primarily economic significance. It has gone deep into all the pores...
Case study of market integration in the European Union: movement of workers
Case study of market integration in the European Union: movement of workers
Sandra Marić
The ultimate objective of the European Union's Internal Market is to establish an efficient and competitive economic environment where company innovation and economic growth are greatly enhanced by workforce mobility. Strong legal frameworks that facilitate worker mobility have been established by important regulations and directives that support this integration as guaranteed by the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU), Article 45. Market integration in the European...
Causes and effects of Dotcom bubble crash in United States
Causes and effects of Dotcom bubble crash in United States
Maria Mihalić
The subject of this Master’s thesis is analysis of Dotcom bubble in United States of America (U.S.), disposal of stock market indices and also their analysis. Throughout this paper, the impact of Internet, irrational exuberance, interest rates and importance of knowledge about economic bubbles will be mentioned. Some concrete data will be used to analyse the bubble. This paper mostly includes data from 1995 until 2003 and it is about U.S. market. Also, companies like Amazon and
Challenges of online sales and consumer decision making
Challenges of online sales and consumer decision making
Aleksandar Čagalj
This final paper is made to research the challenges of the process of online sales and consumer decision making. Thesis will also offer a view on behavioral economics due to its focus on consumers motivation which affects decision making. It will review history, development, and contributions to understanding various actors in the market. It will increasingly focus on consumers due to connectivity of the central concepts to the researched topics and growing importance. To achieve these goals...
Ciljevi i instrumenti monetarne politike u Republici Hrvatskoj
Ciljevi i instrumenti monetarne politike u Republici Hrvatskoj
Petra Šprajc
Glavna zadaća monetarne politike je održavanje i financiranje gospodarstva, odnosno društvenog rasta i razvoja. Cilj je osigurati optimalnu novčanu masu pomoću koje bi bilo moguće odvijanje privrednih procesa bez smetnji. Ustanova koja je u Republici Hrvatskoj zadužena za obavljanje glavne zadaće kao i navedenog cilja je Hrvatska narodna banka. To je središnja banka Republike Hrvatske koja je ujedno i dio Europskog sustava središnjih banaka (ESCB). Hrvatska narodna banka preuzima...
