
Ciljevi poslovanja kao odrednica sadržaja financijskih izvještaja
Ciljevi poslovanja kao odrednica sadržaja financijskih izvještaja
Vesna Belošević
Financijski izvještaji bitni su za eksterno predstavljanje svakog poslovanja. Iz njih se mogu neizravno prepoznati i ciljevi poslovanja, odnosno koliko su ciljevi u financijskom smislu poslovanja realizirani. Financijski izvještaji bitan su dokument za korisnike, odnosno ciljanu skupinu korisnika financijskih informacija o financijskom položaju i uspješnosti. Oni se mogu podijeliti i po kriteriju pripadnosti izvještajnog subjekta određenoj djelatnosti, ciljevima poslovanja i izvorima...
Circular economy in food consumption: zero waste management and food banks
Circular economy in food consumption: zero waste management and food banks
Leo Jurešić
The concept of a linear economy, based on linear production, although still dominant in the global economy, has become unsustainable in the long term. Rapid population growth, technological development and globalization have led to the consumption of much more natural resources than the planet can offer. A model that would help solve the problem of unsustainability is the circular economy. In contrast to the traditional linear model, circular concept has the aim to reduce harmful effects on...
Circular economy in the textile industry
Circular economy in the textile industry
Doria Igić
Textile industry, a part of the processing industry engaged in the production of textiles and clothing is based on textile technology. It is one of the most important branches of industrial production of consumer products. While the textile industry has long produced products such as clothing, curtains, and carpets, the places in which these products are used have expanded. With the fast advancements in science and technology in the twentieth and twenty-first century, the world has...
Cirkularna ekonomija kao novi model održivog razvoja otočnih zajednica
Cirkularna ekonomija kao novi model održivog razvoja otočnih zajednica
Kristina Lerga
Otočne zajednice su se kao posebne geografske cjeline oduvijek susretale sa problemom izoliranosti. Osjetljiv ekosustav otoka te udaljenost od resursa potrebnih za funkcioni ranje otoka stvorili su od njih specifične zajednice, koje su prisiljene inovativnim rješenjima sačuvati svoj opstanak. U novije se vrijeme zbog pretjeranog onečišćenja okoliša te ubrzanog smanjenja zemljinih ograničenih resursa sve više govori i prepoznaje potreba mijenjanja sadašnjeg načina...
Citizen of the City of Rijeka perspective on multi-level marketing
Citizen of the City of Rijeka perspective on multi-level marketing
Matea Glad
This thesis dives into the notion of multi-level marketing (MLM), concentrating on society's perspective of it and the common misunderstanding of it, with the City of Rijeka citizens as subjects of the empirical research. The theoretical framework is examined through the work of numerous authors. MLM was first established as a business strategy that distributes its goods and services outside of a traditional retail chain while providing its employees the opportunity to be their own ...
Civilno društvo u Hrvatskoj
Civilno društvo u Hrvatskoj
Daniel Jakac
U ovome se završnome radu obrađuje tema civilnog društva u Republici Hrvatskoj te se ukazuje na stupan razvijenosti istog. Analizom rezultata projekta Indexa civilnog društva iz 2007.godine dolazi se do niza zaključaka o stanju civilnog društva te se detektiraju ključni problemi koji su kočili, i još uvijek koče, razvoj civilnog društva do razine koje su prisutne u vodećim državama Europske unije. Fokus ovoga rada bilo je prije svega definiranje pojma civilnog društva te njegov...
Cjenovna (ne)stabilnost u uvjetima krize: razlike između financijske i zdravstvene krize
Cjenovna (ne)stabilnost u uvjetima krize: razlike između financijske i zdravstvene krize
Goran Zbašnik
Cilj ovog rada je analizirati učinke financijske krize iz 2008. godine i pandemije COVID 19 na stabilnost cijena i otpornost gospodarstva na šokove. U radu su detaljno analizirani inflatorni pritisci nastali nakon financijske krize 2008. godine kao i pritisci uzrokovani COVID 19 pandemijom 2020. godine. Analizirani su indeksi potrošačkih cijena, cijena hrane i energenata, indeksi proizvođačkih cijena te bruto investicije u fiksni kapital, kao pokazatelj gospodarskog rasta. Financijska...
Cjenovne diskriminacije u telekomunikacijskoj industriji
Cjenovne diskriminacije u telekomunikacijskoj industriji
Matej Saftić
Cilj svakog poduzeća je maksimalizacija profita odnosno osvajanje što većeg dijela potrošačevog viška. Taj cilj poduzeće poduzeće može pokušati ostvariti putem raznih metoda pa tako i cjenovnom diskriminacijom. Poznata su četiri stupnja diskriminacije putem cijena i u ovom radu je svaki od njih objašnjen i prikazan na primjeru telekomunikacijske industrije. U spomenutoj industriji provode se sve vrste cjenovne diskriminacije. Prvi stupanj se bazira na naplati maksimalne, odnosno...
Comparative Analysis of Social Entrepreneurship in Selected Countries
Comparative Analysis of Social Entrepreneurship in Selected Countries
Teodora Raguž
This paper is directed toward defining social entrepreneurship and social enterprise as well as its characteristics. Differences between social enterprise and traditional enterprise are defined as well how it reflects on a measurement used in social entrepreneurship. There are still many debates over defining social entrepreneurship, as well as defining measurement of social entrepreneurship performance. This paper focuses on development of social entrepreneurship notion. Moreover, the...
Comparative analysis of corporate income tax between EU-15 and EU-13 member states
Comparative analysis of corporate income tax between EU-15 and EU-13 member states
Sara Bačvarova
This thesis reviews the comparative analysis of corporate income tax between EU-13 and EU-15 Member states. It describes what corporate income tax is, and analyzes its main characteristics in EU-15 and EU-13 countries. The thesis also emphasizes what are the systems of taxing corporations, what are the rates among different EU countries, and similar data closely connected with corporate income tax. In order to understand the development and the dynamic of current corporate taxation, the...
Comparative analysis of non-bank deposit institutions in Austria and the Republic of Croatia
Comparative analysis of non-bank deposit institutions in Austria and the Republic of Croatia
Matea Udovičić
The goal of this paper is to determine differences in the level of development of non-bank deposit institutions in Austria and Republic of Croatia. This paper presents characteristics of financial systems of both countries, the role of financial institutions in those systems with special emphasis on non-bank deposit institutions. By doing the comparative analysis it was concluded that Austria has better-developed deposit institutions together with non-bank deposit institutions. In both...
Comparative analysis of risk management practices in Croatian and German banking system
Comparative analysis of risk management practices in Croatian and German banking system
Tobias Otto
This thesis explores the risk management practices of Croatian and German banks, with a specific focus on Privredna banka Zagreb (PBZ) and Landesbank Baden-Württemberg (LBBW). An analysis is conducted on the adherence of certain entities to EU standards, taking into consideration the influence of regulatory, economic, and historical factors. The study uncovers that both banks generally adhere to regulations, although their approaches vary based on their individual circumstances. PBZ,...
