
Analiza zaposlenosti u prerađivačkoj industriji 2009.-2019. godine
Analiza zaposlenosti u prerađivačkoj industriji 2009.-2019. godine
Duje Jurić
Završni rad analizira industriju, zaposlenost i zaposlenost u prerađivačkoj industriji u periodu od 2009. do 2019. godine. Industrija se može definirati kao aktivnost proizvodnje, prerade sirovina ili gradnje. Rast važnosti industrije u nacionalnom gospodarstvu naziva se industrijalizacijom, a pad važnosti deindustrijalizacijom. Industrijalizacija je u Republici Hrvatskoj započela nakon Drugog svjetskog rata, a od 90.-ih godina 20. stoljeća prisutan je proces deindustrijalizacije...
Analiza završenog obrazovanja učenika i studenata u Istarskoj županiji u razdoblju 2006.-2016. godine
Analiza završenog obrazovanja učenika i studenata u Istarskoj županiji u razdoblju 2006.-2016. godine
Eni Jakačić
Obrazovni sustav pripada socijalnoj infrastrukturi čiji su ciljevi i svrha usmjereni na kontinuirani razvoj učenika i studenata kao temelj pismenosti i ostvarenje potencijala razvoja svojih mogućnosti. S obzirom da suvremeni socijalni razvoj zavisi o raspoloživim mogućnostima i način primjene obrazovnog sustava neke države, može se reći da je obrazovanje ključan faktor u razvoju čitavog društva. Tako da u malim zemljama poput Hrvatske obrazovanje je potrebno kako bi se ostvarila...
Analiza čimbenika koji utječu na motivaciju zaposlenika različitih dobnih skupina
Analiza čimbenika koji utječu na motivaciju zaposlenika različitih dobnih skupina
Romana Sabljić
U današnje vrijeme ubrzanih promjena, visokog stupnja digitalizacije procesa i tehnološkog razvoja, ključ uspjeha svake organizacije čine njeni zaposlenici. Razvoj internog marketinga u organizacijama, uz jačanje funkcije upravljanja ljudskim potencijalima, doprinosi motivaciji zaposlenika te utječe na pozitivno radno okruženje, jačanje korporativne kulture i poticanje zaposlenika na identifikaciju i povezivanje s misijom i vizijom organizacije što dovodi do ostvarenja cilja. Pritom...
Analiza čimbenika organizacije na primjeru poduzeća Bura d.o.o.
Analiza čimbenika organizacije na primjeru poduzeća Bura d.o.o.
Paula Knapić
Kako bi poduzeća u današnjoj promjenjivoj i dinamičnoj okolini što bolje poslovala, ona moraju biti spremna na promjene i prilagodljivost. Upravo iz tog razloga ona moraju formulirati svoju strukturu, utvrditi ciljeve i misiju, analizirati svoju okolinu i lokaciju, kao i ciljano tržište na kojemu žele djelovati te sukladno tome definirati svoju odgovarajući strategiju. U ovom su se radu analizirali unutarnji i vanjski organizacijski čimbenici poduzeća ''Bura d.o.o.'' te se...
Analiza školovanja, osposobljavanja i stručnog usavršavanja policijskih službenika prometne policije u Zagrebu
Analiza školovanja, osposobljavanja i stručnog usavršavanja policijskih službenika prometne policije u Zagrebu
Ivana Mihaljević
Policijska obuka igra ključnu ulogu u razvoju policijskih službenika. Budući da školovanje policijskih službenika kombinira različite obrazovne komponente i vođena je organizacijskim smjernicama, policijska je edukacija složena, višestruka tema. Vladine strukture i policijski odbori smatraju se primarnim tijelima koja definiraju okvir osposobljavanja i stručnog usavršavanja policajaca. Cilj rada bio je prikazati mišljenja i stavove policijskih službenika prometne policije u...
Analysing the impacts on the consumers choice of fast food restaurants: the country-of-origin effect
Analysing the impacts on the consumers choice of fast food restaurants: the country-of-origin effect
Matea Mužić
Franchises as an organizational form of an entity have been present in the market for a long time now. They offer accelerated success of business due to already standardized quality and reliability. As the world is becoming more and more globalised, the market of international franchises is exploding. The situation is similar in the Croatian market and in the last few years there has been a great influx of international fast food franchises, in form of McDonalds, KFC, Burger King and others....
Analysis and function of human resources in the company Arena Hospitality Group d.d.
Analysis and function of human resources in the company Arena Hospitality Group d.d.
Andrea Pavlović
Nowadays, changing market conditions are difficult to stay competitive and survive. Challenges of modern business, such as new technologies and innovations, must be applied in companies to survive and remain competitive. Development of human resources management, at a time when the globalization of the market reached its stagnation shows that this activity occupies its important place in development companies that want to maintain their market leadership or become more competitive. The...
Analysis of Human Resource Management in Procter and Gamble company
Analysis of Human Resource Management in Procter and Gamble company
Morena Kovačić
The purpose of this paper is to present and analyse human resource structure of conglomerate Procter and Gamble. In today's business environment, human resources management has become very crucial to company's success. Procter and Gamble is among the biggest companies in the world, with more than 3 billion users and 38.000 patents. It has around 95.000 employees and very unique staffing approach. This staffing approach allows employees to develop from the lowest positions to the highest....
Analysis of Human Resources Management in Autotrans d.d.
Analysis of Human Resources Management in Autotrans d.d.
Monika Kulaš
Human resources management is a complex function of a company, which focuses on problem solving and employee development inside the company. A proper management and allocation of human resources is undoubtedly one of the keys to success and efficiency of the company, hence the function should be properly developed and organized. Human resources management consists of a number of sub functions: Job analysis, Human resources planning, Introduction to job, Career development, Education of...
Analysis of basic growth and development indicators in Germany in the period 2009 - 2019
Analysis of basic growth and development indicators in Germany in the period 2009 - 2019
Laura Svetić Ukella
The economy of Germany is one of the largest and most developed economies not just in Europe but in the world. Over the years, the German economy kept strengthening, it is expected it will continue the expansion and consolidate its position as one the world’s economic leaders. The purpose of this thesis is to analyse basic indicators, namely GDP, GDP per capita, the rate of unemployment and employment, as well as the poverty level that influenced growth and development of the economy in...
Analysis of basic growth and development indicators in Italy in the period 2010 - 2019
Analysis of basic growth and development indicators in Italy in the period 2010 - 2019
Fani Hodalj
Throughout its long history Italy has set itself as one of the key global leaders in economic, military and political sense. Today Italy is powerful economy as a forerunner in luxury good production and export. In modern history, Italy was among countries highly affected by the Great recession and European debt crisis, what can be seen when analysing its decrease in GDP and increase in overall poverty and unemployment, especially in the year 2015. Main problems of modern Italy and its...
Analysis of economic growth and development indicators in Italy for the period 2014-2019
Analysis of economic growth and development indicators in Italy for the period 2014-2019
Elma Sinanović
In this thesis the focus is given on determining the economic growth and development and analysis of its indicators of one of EU member country – Italy. The period for observation is from 2014 to 2019, in normal market situations, right before Covid-19 pandemic and crisis occurred. Economic growth is, by definition, an increase in the volume of produced goods within a country in a certain period of time. A more complex term, economic development implies economic growth, but with a...
