Title Analiza tržišta viličara u RH
Title (english) Cost Analysis of Forklifts in the Republic of Croatia
Author Daniel Jakac
Mentor Nataša Rupčić (mentor)
Committee member Nataša Rupčić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Davor Mance (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Luka Samaržija (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Rijeka Faculty of Economics and Business Rijeka
Defense date and country 2018-09-27, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics
Abstract Ovim istraživačkim radom analizirane su i prikazane temeljne karakteristike tržišta viličara u RH kao što su: tržišna struktura, visina tržišne moći, sustav ulaganja u marketinške aktivnosti, interesno-utjecajne skupine ,čimbenici ostvarivanja konkurentskih prednosti ,barijere ulaska ,razina koncentracije i profitna marža. Svrha rada je utvrđivanje procesa donošenja menadžerskih odluka na tržištu viličara u RH koji će poduzeću osigurati konkurentsku prednost. Radna hipoteza bila je da se konkurentska prednost na tom tržištu postiže održavanjem visoke kvalitete usluge i zaračunavanjem nižih cijena u odnosu na konkurenciju. Na tržištu viličara u RH u 2017. godini bila su prisutna 22 poduzeća. Radilo se o situaciji oligopola gdje je 7 najvećih poduzeća dominiralo i ostvarivalo preko 70% ukupne prodaje tržišta, dok mjera HH indeksa to tržište prikazuje nekoncentriranim. Profitna marža na promatranom tržištu bila je niska, te je iznosila 0,039 kn. Na promatranom tržištu ulaganje u marketing predstavlja tek sporedni čimbenik uspjeha, te poduzeća ulažu u marketing manje od 1% ukupnog prihoda od prodaje. Nejasna pravna regulativa i pretjerani fiskalni sustav uzrokuje mnoge probleme svim poduzećima koji su prisutni na tržištu, čime se koči razvoj tržišta viličara, ali i gospodarstva RH u cjelini. Ozbiljan problem na tržištu viličara RH je manjak stručnog kadra. Konkurentske prednosti na tržištu viličara u RH postižu se održavanjem visoke kvalitete usluge i niskih cijena. Preduvjeti za postizanje konkurentskih prednosti su održavanje brzog kanala nabave rezervnih dijelova, posjedovanje prava zastupništva određenog proizvođača viličara i održavanje niskog stupnja fluktuacije zaposlenika. Barijere ulaska na promatrano tržište su visoka ulaganja u prostore, ostvarivanje prava zastupništva pojedinih proizvođača viličara koja ,u pravilu, može dobiti samo jedno poduzeće na nacionalnoj razini i manjak stručnog kadra na tržištu rada. Unatoč barijerama, postoji opasnost ulaska slovenskih i talijanskih poduzeća na tržište RH, pogotovo na tržišta Istre i Kvarnera u čijoj su neposrednoj blizini. Nakon SWOT analize poduzeća Vilstroj d.o.o. može se zaključiti kako su temeljni čimbenici budućeg razvoja tog poduzeća efikasno upravljanje ljudskim potencijalima i znanjem, u kontekstu dokumentacije znanja unutar odjela servisa i minimalizacije fluktuacije zaposlenika, korištenje sredstava iz fondova EU i ostalih potpora, održavanje brzih kanala nabave rezervnih dijelova i ostvarivanje prava zastupništva proizvođača viličara.
Abstract (english) In this paper, characteristics of the forklift market in the Republic of Croatia were analyzed regarding the following elements: market structure, market power, investments in marketing competitive advantage factors, entry barriers, concentration level and profit margins. The purpose of the research was to determine the process of managerial decision-decisions in the forklift market in Croatia. The paper was based on the hypothesis that the competitive advantage in the forklift market was achieved by maintaining high quality service and low prices. In 2017, twenty-two companies have been present in the Croatian forklift market. It was an oligopoly market in which seven largest companies dominated and realized over 70% of the total sales. The profit margin in this market was low, accounting for 0.039 HRK. Investments in marketing was not a factor of success in the Croatian forklift market. Companies invested less than 1% of total sales revenue in marketing. Fuzzy legal regulations and fiscal system with high imposts caused many problems to all companies in the forklift market hindering its development, but also the development of Croatia's economy. A serious problem in the Croatian forklift market was the lack of skilled staff. Prerequisites to achieve competitive advantages included maintaining a fast supply chain for spare parts, owning the rights to represent a forklift manufacturer, and maintaining a low level employee fluctuation. Entry barriers of the observed market were high investment in space, necessity to obtain forklift manufacturers' representative rights, which, as a rule, can only be granted to one company on a national level, and the lack of skilled staff. In spite of these entry barriers, there was the danger of entry from Slovenian and Italian companies in the Croatian forklift market, which were close to the markets of the Istria and Primorje. In the paper, a particular company from that market Vilistroj d.o.o. and its business operations was analyzed. Based on the SWOT analysis of the company, it was be concluded that the underlying factors of its future development were efficient human resources management and knowledge management (knowledge documentation in the service department), minimization of staff fluctuations, absorption of EU funds and other subsidies, fast delivery of spare parts, and maintenance of relations with the manufacturer.
tržište viličara u RH
tržišna koncentracija
tržišna struktura
profitna marža
analiza poslovanja Vilstroj d.o.o.
Keywords (english)
croatian forklift market
market concentration
market structure
profit mark-up
business analysis of Vilstroj d.o.o.
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:192:602003
Study programme Title: Business Economics; specializations in: Finance and Banking, Entrepreneurship, Management, Finance and Accounting, Marketing, International Business, IT Business Course: Management Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra ekonomije (magistar/magistra ekonomije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2019-01-28 16:18:47