
The role of behavioural economics in understanding investor sentiment and market anomalies
The role of behavioural economics in understanding investor sentiment and market anomalies
Andrea Nisbet
This paper sets out to explore the interplay between behavioural economics, investor sentiment, and market anomalies, in order to provide a comprehensive framework to better understand investment patterns and market dynamics. Behavioural economics, which integrates cognitive and psychological insights into existing economic models, reveals how investor biases and emotional decision-making affects the sentiment of the investor. By highlighting specific cognitive biases, such as anchoring...
The role of foreign direct investment in the global financial crisis on the example of the EU member states
The role of foreign direct investment in the global financial crisis on the example of the EU member states
Marin Ševerdija
Foreign direct investments are investments is a sort of an economic bust for a growing economy, it affects the economic, technological and social environment and the volume of trade more than any other type of capital. The foreign direct investments are crucial for planning and developing a countries economy. The global financial crisis has made a serious damage to developing countries, causing the downfall of FDI in economy; it mainly caused a huge decrease in global foreign direct...
The role of intermediaries in logistics processes in international trade - a case study of Maersk Croatia d.o.o.
The role of intermediaries in logistics processes in international trade - a case study of Maersk Croatia d.o.o.
Matija Željko
In this master thesis, the importance and role of intermediaries in logistic processes in international trade is studied using the examples of the logistics organization A.P. Moller - Maersk global and the subsidiary Maersk Croatia d.o.o. This topic is extremely important in the world of international trade, as logistics plays a key role in ensuring fast, safe and efficient transportation of goods between different countries. The case study on Maersk Croatia allows for a detailed examination...
The role of internet trade and social networks on the example of Inditex group
The role of internet trade and social networks on the example of Inditex group
Kristina Trumbetić
This study aims to identify the social networking platforms on the example of Inditex group and ability of the environment to quickly adapt to changes of in-store shopping to online shopping. Mixed research methods (quantitative and qualitative) were used as the instrument of analysing data. This finding is important to show that social networking platforms achieved great results, because customers keep coming back and companies generate increasing revenues despite strong competition....
The role of logistics service providers in international business
The role of logistics service providers in international business
Melisa Nuhanović
This master thesis provides the analysis of the beginnings of logistics, the evolution coming to the current situation and some aspects of how it may change in the future. The thesis is showing the possible ways in which logistics intermediaries can make international business much easier for different companies and entities. At the beginning of the thesis introduced are the basic points that should be known about logistics development and modern perspective of it. After understanding what...
Theoretical overview of tax avoidance on case of Starbucks
Theoretical overview of tax avoidance on case of Starbucks
Anita Mrakovčić
Companies try to maximize their profit and governments try to serve the country. Taxes are imposed on individuals and corporations in the best interest – to fund vital public services. While people get tax forms on regular basis dropped into their mailboxes, some companies are involved in complicated schemes with purpose of minimizing their tax amount. They even go a step further claiming they are doing business with losses while funneling profits to another low-taxed country. When...
Third-party logistički posrednici
Third-party logistički posrednici
Andrea Dobrilovich
U ovom diplomskom radu objašnjene su značajke u poslovanju third-party logističkih operatora. U početku je prikazana evolucija koja je klasičnog špeditera dovela do razvitka u suvremenog logističkog operatora, njegov značaj i važnost. Korištenjem njegovih usluga poduzeća mogu značajno reducirati svoje troškove poslovanja, međutim to je moguće postići isključivo uz dugoročan poslovni odnos. Isto tako, potrebno je da pojedino poduzeće razumije važnost neprekidnog protoka...
Tipovi ličnosti i planiranje posjeta turističkoj destinaciji
Tipovi ličnosti i planiranje posjeta turističkoj destinaciji
Antica Filipović-Grčić
Osobine ličnosti imaju značajan utjecaj na ponašanje svakog čovjeka, pa tako i na ponašanje, donošenje odluka i evaluaciju ukupnih turističkih iskustava. Osobine ličnosti mogu se mjeriti na osnovu različitih strukturiranih upitnika, a jedan od njihov je Myers-Briggs upitnik u kojem se ličnosti klasificiraju na temelju četiri dimenzije proizašle iz Jungove teorije – usmjeravanje pažnje, percepcija, donošenje odluka i značajke životnog stila. Navedeni upitnik jedan od...
Tipovi strategija u mikro i malim poduzećima u uvjetima pandemije COVID-19
Tipovi strategija u mikro i malim poduzećima u uvjetima pandemije COVID-19
Andrea Mitrović
Strateški menadžment izuzetno je važan za poslovanje poduzetnika, osobito u vrijeme krize, bilo financijske ili pandemijske kojoj smo svjedoci već više od godinu dana. U ovim novonastalim, pandemijskim uvjetima poslovanja, mikro i mala poduzeća su iznimno osjetljiva na poremećaje na tržištu. U velikim poduzećima strateškim menadžmentom bavi se najviše poslovodstvo, međutim, u mikro i malim poduzećima često je sam vlasnik poduzeća osoba koja mora preispitivati, mijenjati...
Tjelesna aktivnost, debljina i pojavnost kroničnih bolesti u Republici Hrvatskoj
Tjelesna aktivnost, debljina i pojavnost kroničnih bolesti u Republici Hrvatskoj
Roberto Barčot
Ovaj završni rad istražuje povezanost između tjelesne aktivnosti, indeksa tjelesne mase (BMI) i pojavnosti kroničnih bolesti među stanovnicima Republike Hrvatske. Istraživanje je provedeno na uzorku od 1000 ispitanika različite dobi, spola, razine obrazovanja i mjesta stanovanja, uz poseban fokus na regionalne razlike između kontinentalne i mediteranske Hrvatske. Cilj istraživanja bio je utvrditi postoji li statistički značajna povezanost između učestalosti tjelesne...
Tko koga prati - povezanost karakteristika influencera s uključenosti njegovih pratitelja
Tko koga prati - povezanost karakteristika influencera s uključenosti njegovih pratitelja
Ivana Brkljačić
Digitalni marketing, društvene mreže i influenceri su sadašnjost, ali i budućnost marketinga. Svojom popularnošću, društvene mreže su postale globalna platforma za dijeljenje raznih vrsta sadržaja u svrhu promocije: oglašavanja, povećanja prodaje te svijesti potrošača o proizvodu. Zbog svega toga, nastali su i influenceri. Vjerojatno ne postoji osoba koja nije za njih čula, a opet s druge strane ne postoji jedna i jedinstvena definicija influencera. Ove utjecajne osobe na...
Tourism impacts on municipal waste generation on the island of Krk
Tourism impacts on municipal waste generation on the island of Krk
Barbara Marušić
Waste generation exists from ancient times but only recently became a major threat and problem for the Earth as a whole as well as for each one of us independently. Economic growth and growing consumption lead to a steady increase in the amount of waste which causes harmful emissions and affects human health and the environment. The mentioned impact depends on the amount and waste properties as well as on the way it is being managed. Tourism contributes substantially to municipal...
