
Analysing the impacts on the consumers choice of fast food restaurants: the country-of-origin effect
Analysing the impacts on the consumers choice of fast food restaurants: the country-of-origin effect
Matea Mužić
Franchises as an organizational form of an entity have been present in the market for a long time now. They offer accelerated success of business due to already standardized quality and reliability. As the world is becoming more and more globalised, the market of international franchises is exploding. The situation is similar in the Croatian market and in the last few years there has been a great influx of international fast food franchises, in form of McDonalds, KFC, Burger King and others....
Analysis and function of human resources in the company Arena Hospitality Group d.d.
Analysis and function of human resources in the company Arena Hospitality Group d.d.
Andrea Pavlović
Nowadays, changing market conditions are difficult to stay competitive and survive. Challenges of modern business, such as new technologies and innovations, must be applied in companies to survive and remain competitive. Development of human resources management, at a time when the globalization of the market reached its stagnation shows that this activity occupies its important place in development companies that want to maintain their market leadership or become more competitive. The...
Analysis of Human Resource Management in Procter and Gamble company
Analysis of Human Resource Management in Procter and Gamble company
Morena Kovačić
The purpose of this paper is to present and analyse human resource structure of conglomerate Procter and Gamble. In today's business environment, human resources management has become very crucial to company's success. Procter and Gamble is among the biggest companies in the world, with more than 3 billion users and 38.000 patents. It has around 95.000 employees and very unique staffing approach. This staffing approach allows employees to develop from the lowest positions to the highest....
Analysis of Human Resources Management in Autotrans d.d.
Analysis of Human Resources Management in Autotrans d.d.
Monika Kulaš
Human resources management is a complex function of a company, which focuses on problem solving and employee development inside the company. A proper management and allocation of human resources is undoubtedly one of the keys to success and efficiency of the company, hence the function should be properly developed and organized. Human resources management consists of a number of sub functions: Job analysis, Human resources planning, Introduction to job, Career development, Education of...
Analysis of basic growth and development indicators in Germany in the period 2009 - 2019
Analysis of basic growth and development indicators in Germany in the period 2009 - 2019
Laura Svetić Ukella
The economy of Germany is one of the largest and most developed economies not just in Europe but in the world. Over the years, the German economy kept strengthening, it is expected it will continue the expansion and consolidate its position as one the world’s economic leaders. The purpose of this thesis is to analyse basic indicators, namely GDP, GDP per capita, the rate of unemployment and employment, as well as the poverty level that influenced growth and development of the economy in...
Analysis of basic growth and development indicators in Italy in the period 2010 - 2019
Analysis of basic growth and development indicators in Italy in the period 2010 - 2019
Fani Hodalj
Throughout its long history Italy has set itself as one of the key global leaders in economic, military and political sense. Today Italy is powerful economy as a forerunner in luxury good production and export. In modern history, Italy was among countries highly affected by the Great recession and European debt crisis, what can be seen when analysing its decrease in GDP and increase in overall poverty and unemployment, especially in the year 2015. Main problems of modern Italy and its...
Analysis of economic growth and development indicators in Italy for the period 2014-2019
Analysis of economic growth and development indicators in Italy for the period 2014-2019
Elma Sinanović
In this thesis the focus is given on determining the economic growth and development and analysis of its indicators of one of EU member country – Italy. The period for observation is from 2014 to 2019, in normal market situations, right before Covid-19 pandemic and crisis occurred. Economic growth is, by definition, an increase in the volume of produced goods within a country in a certain period of time. A more complex term, economic development implies economic growth, but with a...
Analysis of fitness influencers and influence of COVID-19 on their work
Analysis of fitness influencers and influence of COVID-19 on their work
Lea Grego
The purpose of this thesis was to identify the differences in fitness influencers feed in three years time. Those years are 2018, 2019 and 2020 in which COVID-19 outbreak happened. Firstly an examination of periods where there was no virus was done, which includes 2018 and the 2019. Secondly, the period with the virus was examined, it was the year 2020. And than the difference between those periods was identified. Thesis is focused on instagram feeds of four fitness influencers, three...
Analysis of human resource management on the example of quality control department of JGL d.d.
Analysis of human resource management on the example of quality control department of JGL d.d.
Lara Vuković
In this research author is conducting a study on the example of company JGL d.d., more specifically on the department Quality Control where she will be applying the theoretical knowledge on Human Resource Management gathered during her studies at the University of Economics and Business in Rijeka. As we are familiar, JGL is one of the biggest international companies in Croatia, and they have always been introduced and praised for their excellent HRM work and performance, which has been...
Analysis of human resources management in McDonald's Rijeka
Analysis of human resources management in McDonald's Rijeka
Lora Logarušić
Human resource management’s role in a company is to ensure highest possible level of employee performance. HR team is responsible for the employees from their recruitment to their retirement or leave. It is an umbrella term that covers many functions that can be broken down to seven major ones: job analysis, planning, recruitment, selecting, orientation and training, employee development and motivation. When analysing Human resources management, job analysis is the first step since there...
Analysis of human resources management in the company Jadran Galenski Laboratorij
Analysis of human resources management in the company Jadran Galenski Laboratorij
Uma Priskić
Human Resources Management roles, responsibilities and overall influence in structuring companies have historically seen significant changes which accelerated to the fact that today HRM is one of the fundamental components of every successful organization. In Jadran Galenski Laboratorij company, employees are the most treasured resource and their intellectual capital is highly valued. They are considered as key factors in achieving competitive advantage, strategic goals and business...
Analysis of inheritance and gift tax in EU-14 & EU-13 member states
Analysis of inheritance and gift tax in EU-14 & EU-13 member states
Laura Svetić
Inheritance and gift tax is a tax form levied on transfers of assets in the case of death or during lifetime, as donations inter vivos. It is mainly integrated in tax systems of contemporary states as a unique tax form. Both inheritance and gifts represent transfers of assets which increase economic power of recipients without labour, they are irregular incomes and the main objective in both cases are transfers of assets without compensation. The purpose of this master thesis is to...
