Heckscher Ohlinova teorija - testiranje jesu li direktne inozemne investicije i trgovinski tokovi supstituti ili komplementi
Klara Justinić Osnova ovoga rada je odrediti odnos između međunarodne trgovine i direktnih inozemnih investicija to jest je li njihov odnos komplementaran ili supstituivan. Kako bi mogli odrediti odnos tih dvaju izuzetno bitnih činitelja za međunarodnu ekonomiju, prikazani su osnovni elementi međunarodne trgovine i direktnih inozemnih investicija. Prikaz osnovnih podataka o međunarodnoj trgovini posebno je referiran na Heckscher Ohlinovoj teoriji te na njegovim teoremima, faktorskoj raspoloživosti,...
Heckscher Ohlinova teorija: Analiza na odabranim zemljama
Ema Aničić Globalizacijom tržišta zemlje se sve više uključuju u proces međunarodne trgovine
uvozeći i izvozeći proizvode po čitavom svijetu. Začeci međunarodne trgovine koji
objašnjavaju zbog čega zemlje uopće trguju, sežu u daleko 18. i 19. stoljeće. Postoje
mnogobrojni teoremi međunarodne trgovine, no u ovome radu će se spominjati
Heckscher Ohlinova teorija međunarodne trgovine, te sam Heckscher Ohlinov teorem
koji pripada navedenoj teoriji. Također, istraživat će se zemlje...
Henri Fayol i razvoj organizacijske misli
Lea Androić Rad prikazuje razvoj upravljanja i organizacije kroz različite načine i principe rada raznih teoretičara. Fokus je na djelovanje Henri Fayola i njegov poznati Fayolizam, no isto tako uključujemo i ostale teoretičare kao npr. Frederick Winslow Taylor, Max Weber, Elton Mayo itd. Kroz razne podjele imamo mogućnost uvida u načine razmišljanja velikih umova i samim time priliku za analiziranje dobrih i loših strana funkcionalnosti djelovanja raznih teoretičara. Usporediti ćemo njihove...
Hibridno radno okruženje i odnos vođe i sljedbenika
Adrian Sumić Hibridni način rada prema definiciji Hopkins i Bardoel (2023, str.1) definiran je kao
fleksibilan način rada gdje zaposlenici svoje radno vrijeme dijele između fizičkog načina
rada i načina rada iz daljine. U prošlosti, ovaj način rada bio je rijetkost i smatrao se kao
luksuznom beneficijom koje poduzeće pruža, no pandemija COVID COVID-a promijenila je takav
stav. Uz sve benefite koje je ovaj način rada pružao, pojavile su se i negativne strane o kojima
se jako malo znalo...
Housing loans in Croatian banks
Dinka Vojvoda The main subject of this bachelor thesis are housing loans on Croatian market and analysis of housing loans on Croatian market. First part of paper is going to clarify process of granting housing loans and more general about housing loans, two types of housing loans and how the price of loans is determined. Through collection of informations about housing loans in Croatian banks is explored process of granting housing loans and gathered in one general. From initial application to repayment...
How different cultures perceive startup culture - comparative analysis of USA and Japan
Inga Rajer Both US and Japanese governments consider startups an important part of the entrepreneurial activity, but levels of entrepreneurship between these two countries drastically vary. The cause of these differences can be found in individual cultures of the two countries. American culture promotes values that align with entrepreneurship, such as risk-taking, openness to change and nonconformity. In comparison with that, Japan fosters a culture based on respecting hierarchy and authority....
How will technology impact international finance in the future?
Šime Jusup This master’s thesis aims to show the wider picture of the impact of technologies on international finance. It starts with a complete history of the development of money, the banking sector and the financial system as a basis for understanding new types of money and systems. Later, it discusses about technologies, which have had an influence on the current financial system. As technology is evolving we are getting more and more interesting services in international finance. As there are...
Hrvatska udruga poslodavaca - čimbenik razvoja malog i srednjeg poduzetništva u Republici Hrvatskoj
Antonia Šoša Razvoj malog i srednjeg gospodarstva temelj je svakog društva u svijetu, no da bi se ostvario održivi rast i razvoj poduzetništva, potrebno je osigurati sve uvjete za efikasnost gospodarskog sustava. Mali i srednji poduzetnici redovito se susreću s brojnim administrativnim, zakonskim i drugim problemima koje nisu u mogućnosti sami otkloniti niti se pojedinačno boriti protiv istih. Strateško umrežavanje poduzetnika posjeduje brojne mogućnosti i prednosti u svakodnevnom poslovanju...
Human Resources Management Function in PUMA
Marta Zorić In today's world, human resources management is one of the most important parts in an organization of the company. The companies figured out that the way to a great success is through human resources as people. To accomplish goals, companies must find and manage human resources alongside with providing them the possibility for training and development. The paper contains some of human resources management functions which are job analysis, planning, recruitment, selection, job orientation,...
Human Resources Management at Valamar Riviera d.d.
Antonia Miletić Lupetin The topic of Human Resources Management is thoroughly analyzed in this bachelor's thesis, with a specific focus on the exemplary Human Resources (HR) department within Croatia's leading company in the tourism sector, Valamar Riviera. Valamar is an organization with a very well-developed Human Resources department. Valamar's Human Resources department can stand as an example since they are constantly working on even more significant development in order to maintain employee satisfaction and...
Human Resources Management function analysis in L'Oréal
Sara Prgić Human Resources is one of the most important aspects of every company. HR’s main purpose is to manage the needs and number of employees, to help maximize the company’s efficiency and to settle many financial and legal matters. Having a well functioning HR department greatly improves the overall business performance of companies not just in a financial way but it improves the strategic management aspect, safety and risk management, it helps achieve employee satisfaction, it improves the...
Human resource management at Emirates Airline
Emma Forenbaher The human resource management has started to gain importance during the 20th century. In today’s world human resource is an important tool that successful companies recognize as a main resource. What the term represents is basically, different kinds of knowledge and wide range of skills that people as a resource should possess in order for organizations to be successful and achieve their goals. With managing human resources, arises the importance of right exploitation of human resource...