
Human resources management function in company Zara S.A.
Human resources management function in company Zara S.A.
Ingrid Borozan
Zara S.A. is a Spanish retailer founded in 1975 and is the fast fashion ruler on the market, thanks to a probably the best supply chain in that industry sector. Human resource management (HRM) includes the practice of recruiting, hiring, deploying and managing an organization's employees. There are eleven subfunctions of the HRM function conducted in the newly open Zara Korzo, in Rijeka. The job analysis is practiced on the global level. Stores have a uniform way of performing;...
IMF role in the economic development of the transition countries of Southeast Europe
IMF role in the economic development of the transition countries of Southeast Europe
Tea Bjelajac
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) is an organization of 189 countries, working to foster global monetary cooperation, secure financial stability, facilitate international trade, promote high employment and sustainable economic growth and reduce poverty around the world. This paper is explaining the structural organisation and a way of successfully carrying the operation. We will also get informed about the functions of the IMF, the way the IMF is organized and on which pattern, and types...
INTRASTAT - sustav prikupljanja podataka o robnoj razmjeni između država članica Europske unije
INTRASTAT - sustav prikupljanja podataka o robnoj razmjeni između država članica Europske unije
Mihaela Burul
Robe koje se kreću unutar država Europske Unije nisu predmet carinskog postupka. Ipak, trgovina između članica predstavlja robnu razmjenu i ona se mora odgovarajuće mjeriti. U tu svrhu razvijen je INTRASTAT sustav. Da bi neki gospodarski subjekt postao obveznik podnošenja INTRASTAT obrasca moraju biti zadovoljeni određeni uvjeti, a obveznici podnošenja utvrđuju se jednom godišnje. Obveznik izvještavanja svoju obvezu može prenijeti na treću osobu - deklaranta. To može biti i...
ISO 9001 kao mjerilo stabilnosti i uspješnosti poslovanja - primjer poduzeća X iz pekarske industrije
ISO 9001 kao mjerilo stabilnosti i uspješnosti poslovanja - primjer poduzeća X iz pekarske industrije
Iva Stanišić
Globalizacija tržišta, razvoj novih tehnologija te rast konkurencije stavili su u centar zbivanja zadovoljenje zahtjeva kupaca. Kupca se može zadovoljiti kvalitetnim proizvodom/uslugom u danom roku. Obzirom na veliku ponudu kupcu se sve teže odlučiti za određeni proizvod/uslugu, a poduzećima opstati na tržištu. Kako bi poduzeća bila prepoznatljivija i ukazala na kvalitetu svojih proizvoda/usluga sve više uvode sustave kontrole kvalitete, osobito ISO 9001:2015. ISO 9001 prošao je...
Identifikacija impulzivnog kupovnog ponašanja, uvažavajući psihološke i sociološke čimbenike
Identifikacija impulzivnog kupovnog ponašanja, uvažavajući psihološke i sociološke čimbenike
Kristina Smokvina
Impulzivna kupovina definira se kao pojava kada kupac doživljava nagli, često snažni i trajni nagon za kupnjom istoga trenutka. Ova definicija uključuje tri ključne činjenice koje se odnose na impulzivnu kupovinu, a to su: kupnja je neplanirana, teško ju je kontrolirati i praćena je emocionalnim odgovorom. U ovom radu pokušalo se podrobnije objasniti pojam impulzivnog kupovnog ponašanja i čimbenika koji utječu na isto. Ti su čimbenici podijeljeni u tri skupine: osobni i...
Identifikacija potreba i interesa u poslovnom pregovaranju na tržištu osiguranja Republike Hrvatske
Identifikacija potreba i interesa u poslovnom pregovaranju na tržištu osiguranja Republike Hrvatske
Tanja Salaj
Pregovaranje je jedna od osnovnih ljudskih osobina i može se povezati s raznim područjima. Ono je važno jer je u mnogim situacijama presudno kod donošenja odluka jer je osim poznavanja činjenica, potrebno te iste činjenice znati prezentirati za postizanje nekog cilja. Na hrvatskom tržištu osiguranja, prepoznaje se važnost uspješnog pregovaranja i ulaže se u njegovo izučavanje i prakticiranje. Ovaj rad opisuje i analizira utjecaj poslovnog pregovaranja na identifikaciju potreba i...
Impact of COVID-19 on logistics processes in road transport
Impact of COVID-19 on logistics processes in road transport
Nicole Lipizer
Logistics refers to the precise planning and execution of a complex task related to the movement of goods. Since many small businesses focus on developing and manufacturing their products and servicesto best meet the needs of customers, if those products cannot reach customers, the business will fail because logistics impacts multiple elements of the business. The aim of this thesis is to investigate the impact of the pandemic COVID-19 on the logistics market, more specifically on the...
Impact of brand's instagram post characteristics on user engagement
Impact of brand's instagram post characteristics on user engagement
Karlo Volarić
In the challenging world of Instagram marketing brands are trying to find new ways to better engage their followers. To do so, brands are experimenting with posts containing various characteristics whose potential influence on user engagement is tested in this thesis. The study conducts an empirical research on 150 brand posts from 5 most followed sportswear brands on Instagram, focusing mainly on 3 characteristics; vividness, message theme (functional, emotional, brand identity, current...
Impact of charismatic leadership on employee attitudes
Impact of charismatic leadership on employee attitudes
Marija Puž
The term leadership has been known to mankind since ancient times. The first informal leaders had to provide food and shelter for their families, later leadership played a major role in wars, and today leadership is associated with guiding people toward the common goal of the enterprise. Leadership is one of the most important functions of management. In order for a company to be successful, it needs a leader who initiates, inspires and helps other members in achieving the company's goals....
Impact of the pandemic on the promotion of local producers in Croatia
Impact of the pandemic on the promotion of local producers in Croatia
Ivona Šimičić
In Croatia, the pandemic has begun in March, and a little after the first cases, the Croatian Institute of Public Health declared the closure of shopping malls and markets. Local producers were left without the opportunity to sell their products. The moment everything stopped, online networks opened. People were at home and spent most of their time on social media. It was a moment that local producers should take advantage of and with a strong promotion present their products, the benefits...
Impact of virtual environment on the successful business negotiation in IT industry in Republic of Croatia
Impact of virtual environment on the successful business negotiation in IT industry in Republic of Croatia
Nikolina Konestabo
IT industry in Croatia has seen tremendous growth in the recent times since the Covid-19 pandemic of 2020 and it has also accelerated the much needed digital transformation. Because of the crisis and the unforeseen circumstances it brought on, the virtual environment became indispensable overnight, and all aspects of business had to be moved online. Business negotiations which are considered to be one of the oldest human activities had to be done online and were therefor impacted by the...
Implementacija "Smart City" koncepta u svrhu održivosti i podizanja kvalitete života na području Grada Krka
Implementacija "Smart City" koncepta u svrhu održivosti i podizanja kvalitete života na području Grada Krka
Danira Zec
Grad Krk temelje svog budućeg razvoja vidi u digitalizaciji i digitalnoj transformaciji svoje uprave, društva, gospodarstva i infrastrukture. Transformacija će biti u službi održivog razvoja grada i cijelog otoka. U području razvoja pametnih gradova brzina tehnološkog napretka je neusporedivo brža nego u bilo kojem drugom području. Uzevši u obzir dosadašnja postignuća u području novih i modernih digitalnih rješenja i spremnost na implementaciju novih „smart city“ rješenja...
