
Economic growth and development of Japan
Economic growth and development of Japan
Maja Justinić
In this research the focus is on determining economic growth and development of „fast-growing“island country - Japan. It is focused on the period from 2005 to 2015, and the analysis is carried out with the help of indicators of economic growth and development – GDP per capita, unemployment rate, poverty rate, health and health system, education system and HDI (Human Development Indicator). GDP per capita had a rising trend until the government increased the consumption tax and the...
Economic growth and inequality within the population of  EU member states
Economic growth and inequality within the population of EU member states
Barbara Funarić
Population inequality is a pressing global problem that scientists, activists, and some politicians have been pointing to for decades. It is reflected in inequalities in income, in wealth and inequality in opportunities. Inequality can be observed and analysed as inequalities between European countries, which is most often measured by realized national income, and inequalities within European countries, which is most often measured by the Gini coefficient and the S80/S20 ratio....
Economy significance of bioeconomy in selected countries of the EU
Economy significance of bioeconomy in selected countries of the EU
Alan Antičević
The bioeconomy is a concept that has been developed over time, with the aim of achieving sustainable progress through the use of renewable biological resources for the production of food, energy, and industrial goods (European Commission, 2012). The bioeconomy makes use of the untapped potential of millions of tons of biological waste and residual materials (Babujia et al., 2021). By transitioning from fossil to renewable sources, the bioeconomy is expected to enhance sustainability and...
Education of negotiator as a factor of successful negotiation on the insurance market in PGŽ
Education of negotiator as a factor of successful negotiation on the insurance market in PGŽ
Rebeka Tibljaš
The insurance market is necessary for the good functioning of the economic system. The concept of a country's insurance market can be determined in several ways, such as the total annual premium in one country, the per capita premium, the number of market participants, the market potential, and so on. Insurance companies distribute their products directly or through intermediaries with the help of insurance agents and insurance brokers. Insurance agents are conducting business on behalf of...
Edukacija zaposlenika u poduzeću DM d.o.o.
Edukacija zaposlenika u poduzeću DM d.o.o.
Stana Garić
Tema diplomskog rada je Obuka zaposlenika u poduzeću DM d.o.o. Rad je usmjeren na istraživanje o zaposlenicima u DM d.o.o. poduzeću, kao i na njihovu edukaciju. Na početku rada će se objasniti teorijski dio obrazovanja, kao i važnost edukacije zaposlenih te koliko edukacija i obrazovanje utječu na motiviranost zaposlenika. DM d.o.o poduzeće je jedan od najvećih drogerijskih lanaca koji ulaže u svoje zaposlenike. Poduzeće svoje zaposlenike nagrađuje materijalno i nematerijalno....
Efekti monetarne politike ciljanja inflacije u europodručju
Efekti monetarne politike ciljanja inflacije u europodručju
Petra Mezlar
Tema ovog završnog rada bili su efekti monetarne politike ciljanja inflacije u europodručju. U uvodnom djelu ovog završnog rada navodili su se predmet, problem i objekti istraživanja, kao i radna hipoteza i pomoćne hipoteze, svrha i cilj istraživanja, znanstvene metode te struktura rada. Zatim se započelo s teorijskim djelom završnog rada u kojem se objašnjava sam pojam strategija monetarne politike i njezin značaj. Također su se navele vrste strategija monetarne politike....
Effective Omnichannel Marketing: An Analysis of Consumer Behavior and Preferences - With Focus on Croatian and American Consumers
Effective Omnichannel Marketing: An Analysis of Consumer Behavior and Preferences - With Focus on Croatian and American Consumers
Maya Pavlović
This thesis examines the existence of an omnichannel approach among Croatian and American marketplaces and investigates what specific differences appear between the two groups of consumers, in the case of recognizing and adapting to omnichanneling and its characteristics. Throughout the transition from traditional marketing to modern, many new customer touchpoints and purchase channels have emerged, creating a new standard for an omnichannel marketplace in today’s business world. This...
Effects of investment in waste management
Effects of investment in waste management
Mario Okmažić
Waste and generation of waste represent a significant hazard to both developed and underdeveloped nations. Mismanagement of waste provides an economic, social and environmental cost. Principles used in waste management are changing through time. The main drivers in changes are the lawmakers. The most unfavored options of managing waste are usually the cheapest. For this reason, developed countries manage waste through local municipalities that follow guidelines set by the policymakers....
Effects of motivational programmes and activities on employee performance
Effects of motivational programmes and activities on employee performance
Klara Crismanich
Motivating employees became an important objective for organizations that want to remain viable on the market today. Motivation can be characterized as the tool which integrates those internal and external factors found to trigger an individual to be constantly interested and committed to a job role. The following report is a self-conducted research on how motivational programs impact the performance of employees for improvement. The research also looks at the elements that influence...
Efikasnost poslovanja i primjena koncepta integriranog izvještavanja
Efikasnost poslovanja i primjena koncepta integriranog izvještavanja
Antonija Petrlić
Brze i konstantne promjene tržišnih čimbenika i s tim povezani rizici imaju značajan utjecaj na proces donošenja pravovremenih i kvalitetnih poslovodnih odluka. Stoga je od presudne važnosti, za poduzeća ali i njegove dionike, da raspolažu detaljnim i transparentnim informacijama koje omogućuju identifikaciju tih rizika, njihovu ocjenu i upravljanje u cilju stvaranja dodane vrijednosti. Kako bi se zadovoljila globalna želja za efikasnijim poslovanjem kroz suzbijanje i smanjivanje...
Efikasnost rada tijela javne vlasti iz perspektive neprofitnih organizacija
Efikasnost rada tijela javne vlasti iz perspektive neprofitnih organizacija
Zvonko Bumber
Ovaj rad istražuje efikasnost tijela javne uprave u Republici Hrvatskoj u suradnji s udrugama kao najčešćim oblikom organizacija unutar neprofitnog sektora. Fokus je na analizi komunikacije između tih sektora na različitim razinama vlasti te na procjeni efikasnosti tog međusektorskog partnerstva. Ključna hipoteza rada glasi: "Tijela javne vlasti, u okviru poslovanja s neprofitnim sektorom, efikasno obavljaju svoje zakonom definirane obveze." Kroz istraživanje provedeno tijekom...
Egalitarna kritika multikulturalizma
Egalitarna kritika multikulturalizma
Klara Jurkota
Moraju li moderna društva i države promicati grupna prava skupine koje ih čine i zakonodavno stati u obranu tih skupina ili se rješenje krije u još intenzivnijem promicanju jednakog građanstva. To su neke od dilema različitih pristupa u i oko suvremenog multikulturalizma. Knjiga je podijeljena u tri velika cjeline: multikulturalizma i jednaki tretman, multikulturalizma i grupe, Multikulturalizam, univerzalizam i egalitarizam i brojnih podpoglavlja. Sve više se javljaju prohtjevi...
