
Analysis of mortgage loans in Croatia
Analysis of mortgage loans in Croatia
Ivana Šćulac
The purpose of this thesis is to analyze the mortgage loans on the Croatian market, their volatility, changes and the meaning of this mortgage loans for citizens of Republic of Croatia and Croatian banking sector in general. The reason for this research is to show the flow of mortgage loans through several years with a representation of their changes and purpose for the society. The thesis is composed of four chapters, each of them dealing with different aspects of mortgages. It describes...
Analysis of opportunity costs of unused worktime
Analysis of opportunity costs of unused worktime
Boris Zatezalo
The idea for this bachelor thesis was born out of the author's observations about his daily schedule and time management problems, during his second year of the International Business graduate studies program. The author thought it would be beneficial to research this topic by conducting a survey among students and young adults, with the goal of better understanding the time management decisions of this demographic. In particular, three hypotheses were tested pertaining to the...
Analysis of social entrepreneurship in Croatia
Analysis of social entrepreneurship in Croatia
Anamaria Bolf
In today’s world, people are striving for changes. Social entrepreneurship is connected and concerned with improving the quality of life, and usually, it does not depend on the level of revenue. It is taking care of the preservation of workplaces, employment, sustainable development, and making an equal chance for everyone. Social entrepreneurship can be found at the local, national, and international levels. As well as in different sectors, private, public, and civil. Even though in...
Analysis of the human resource management functions in Sound of Vienna Konzertveranstaltungs GmbH
Analysis of the human resource management functions in Sound of Vienna Konzertveranstaltungs GmbH
Melani Kamenar
The focus of this paper is mainly on analysis of human resource management and its functions with the emphasis on the analysis of the implementation of these functions on the example of a medium sized company Sound of Vienna Konzertveranstaltungs GmbH. The human resource management functions in question are job analysis, HR planning, recruitment and selection, training and development, and motivation. The importance is put on how successful execution of human resource management as well as...
Analysis of the human resources management function in Decathlon ltd.
Analysis of the human resources management function in Decathlon ltd.
Daniela Raimund
Human resources management is probably one of the most important functions in the organization of one company. Human resources management referse to employees as resources. It evolved from personnel management which is very automative, repetitive, and it views employees as factors of production, better say as costs. The paper is based on some functions of human resources management and those will include: job analysis, selection, job introduction, motivation, training, advancement, and...
Analysis of the human resources management function in Halkbank Ad Skopje
Analysis of the human resources management function in Halkbank Ad Skopje
Andreja Petrovska
The role of the Human Resources Department is important in every company, and the main responsibility of this department is to get the most out of the company’s employees. The job of human resources professionals is to recruit a superior workforce. Like in any other company, the HALKBANK AD Skopje’s human resources department has one of the biggest roles in hiring and retaining talent. The bank describes its employees as the company’s lifeblood and its greatest value. Employee...
Analysis of the human resources management in the company "QFACT KONTO d.o.o."
Analysis of the human resources management in the company "QFACT KONTO d.o.o."
Nora Božić
In this present world of globalization, i.e., the interconnectedness of people and organizations, both large and small companies are facing the ever-changing challenges of keeping the sustainable business to survive and make a profit, particularly in this current economic downturn circumstances. The higher the motivation, enthusiasm, and ambition of the employees, the higher the effort and performance will be, which is of exceptional importance for the sustainable growth and development of...
Analysis of youth unemployment in Croatia and selected countries in period 2004 - 2015
Analysis of youth unemployment in Croatia and selected countries in period 2004 - 2015
Tea Miloš
The main subject of this bachelor thesis is the youth unemployment state in Croatia and selected EU countries. Through collection and combination of various youth unemployment data we have reached the conclusion that the overall problem lies in the misbalance of workforce demand and supply, which is not only present in Croatia but in other EU countries as well, making this problem even more concerning since one of the main characteristic of EU as a world organization is unity and equality....
Angažiranje i razvoj ljudskih potencijala u Karlovačkoj pivovari d.d.
Angažiranje i razvoj ljudskih potencijala u Karlovačkoj pivovari d.d.
Zoran Krivokuća
Upravljanje poduzećem znači svakako i upravljanje ljudima. Menadžment (kao aktivnost) općenito može biti definiran kao povezivanje na optimalan način materijalnih i ljudskih faktora kojima poduzeće raspolaže, a s ciljem postizanja optimalnih (maksimalnih) proizvodnih i ekonomskih rezultata. U završnom radu sam pisao o pronalaženju, angažiranju i upravljanju ljudski potencijala u Karlovačkoj pivovari d.d.. Objasnio sam pojam i obilježja ljudskih potencijala, te dao primjer na...
Angažiranost zaposlenika u poduzeću Bifix d.o.o.
Angažiranost zaposlenika u poduzeću Bifix d.o.o.
Linda Piuca
Kako kaže stara poslovica - „ sto ljudi sto čudi“. Ponašanje ljudi te što to točno pokreće njihove pozitivne, a i negativne reakcije, pitanja su na koja se u suvremenom poslovanju počeo baviti i menadžment. Kako motivirati zaposlenike, zašto su neki zaposlenici predani poslu, sretni, ustrajni kada se pojave prepreke dok drugi dolaze na posao samo kako bi odradili normu, pitanja su na koja se teško može dati odgovor jer svaki pojedinac razmišlja i djeluje različito. Ono...
Anketno istraživanje motivacije zaposlenika u hrvatskim poduzećima
Anketno istraživanje motivacije zaposlenika u hrvatskim poduzećima
Nikolina Belošević
Diplomski rad istražuje važnost motivacije zaposlenika u poduzećima i njezin utjecaj na produktivnost, zadovoljstvo poslom i konkurentske prednosti organizacija. Cilj ovog rada je dati pregled teorija motivacije, identificirati najučinkovitije metode za poticanje motivacije te istražiti njihov doprinos uspješnosti poduzeća. Rad započinje pregledom relevantnih teorija motivacije, uključujući Maslowovu piramidu potreba, teorija X i Y, teorija potreba za dostignućem,...
Antiinflacijska politika u Republici Hrvatskoj
Antiinflacijska politika u Republici Hrvatskoj
Antonio Karlo Akrapović
U ovom radu se obrađuje antiinflacijska politika u Republici Hrvatskoj tj. provođenje stabilizacijskog programa i inflacija. Teorijski je obrađen pojam inflacije. Prikazani su stabilizacijski programi u svijetu na primjeru heterodoksnog modela u Argentini i Izraelu. Prikazana je povijest kretanja inflacije u Republici Hrvatskoj tijekom dvadeset godina, od 90-tih godina 20. stoljeća do 2017. godine, te kretanje inflacije unutar Europske unije. Cilj rada je prikazati kako provesti...
