
Comparison between renewable electricity markets in Chile and France
Comparison between renewable electricity markets in Chile and France
Vicente Collao Dietert
For different reasons the humans have been using the natural resources of planet Earth during the past. In the last couple of years the planet starts to change his characteristics. Global warming is the problem that occurred. One of the principal uses of natural resources extracted from the Earth is to generate electricity. The increase of the electricity expended in the last years lead to a lack of fossil fuels remaining in the planet. This problem is changing how the electricity is...
Competitive advantage of small stone producers
Competitive advantage of small stone producers
Teuta Benčić
In this paper, it is analyzed how entrepreneurs for stone processing and production that are owners of small businesses can keep their position on market next to the only giant stone company in Istrian county, and respectively to traditional heritage and traditional way of processing stone. In order to conduct the research, small and medium sized Crotian enterprises were firstly analysed through scientific studies to detrmine if their products are innovative enough and if there is further...
Conflict management in the company "Arriva"
Conflict management in the company "Arriva"
Cinthia Pavat
This paper emphasizes the significance of conflicts and ways of solving them in organizations. Conflicts are frequent in workplaces, so there is a need to find ways to resolve them. The survey found that the majority of respondents had a conflict at the workplace, which is an indication that conflicts are a normal phenomenon in work environments. Managers also play a key role in resolving conflicts. When conflicts are resolved immediately, it reduces the possibility of conflicts...
Consumer Behavior and the Role of Fear of Missing Out (FOMO) Phenomenon in Contemporary Consumption
Consumer Behavior and the Role of Fear of Missing Out (FOMO) Phenomenon in Contemporary Consumption
Hana Baričić
In today’s modern society consumption is more prominent than ever before. Consumers mostly deal with a finite amount of time and resources, but infinite amount of wants and needs. In addition, consumer behavior is influenced by a variety of external and internal factors which govern it in a way that is sometimes difficult to express and comprehend even for those who are under their influence. The rise in popularity of social media has contributed to further intensification of...
Consumer attitudes toward impact of the plant-based food consumption on the climate change reduction
Consumer attitudes toward impact of the plant-based food consumption on the climate change reduction
Matea Mijatović
Global climate change, pollution and natural disasters that we often encounter today are largely affected by people. Agriculture and food industry are one of the biggest producers of GHG emissions. According to studies, an increased section of the total world's population would need to dramatically limit their meat and dairy consumption in order to avoid the rising trend of pollution. Plant-based food items have aroused interest in whole world and large number of people became more...
Contemporary developments of technology and processes in E-commerce
Contemporary developments of technology and processes in E-commerce
Edi Hrelja
Constant improvement and evolution is one of the basic components of human nature. It is a requirement for one’s survival and well-being of future generations. One of the oldest, and definitely most important activities that has massively impacted human evolution and left a big footprint in shaping of today’s world is commerce. Commerce has greatly changed and evolved throughout human history. Its newest form, e-commerce is currently experiencing a boom thanks to the many new...
Cost - benefit analiza ulaganja u osnivanje farme koza "EkoKoza"
Cost - benefit analiza ulaganja u osnivanje farme koza "EkoKoza"
Vlatka Bogožalec
„Cost-benefit analiza je metoda ekonomske analize kojom se uspoređuju i vrednuju sve prednosti i svi nedostaci nekog prirodnog pothvata ili projekta analizom troškova i koristi“ (globaladmin, 2015). Cost-benefit analiza važna je za donošenje ispravne odluke kako bi se osiguralo efektivno alociranje resusra te za korekciju projekta (globaladmin, 2015). CBA se fokusira na budućnost i odluke trebaju biti bazirane na očekivanim koristima i troškovima predloženih alternativa....
Cost Benefit Analysis of Air Transportation Infrastructure Investment
Cost Benefit Analysis of Air Transportation Infrastructure Investment
Lucija Komazin
In today’s dynamic and complex economic environment infrastructure investments present a key precondition for efficient and effective functioning. As such complex public ventures involve originally high financial outlays, majority of countries find hard time in initial realization. When it comes to the project preparation and development there is a need for significant knowledge and understanding of latest trends in macroeconomic environment. Appraisal of the projects is one of the most...
Cost-benefit analiza uvođenja nove pojne točke u srednjenaponsku mrežu grada Vinkovaca
Cost-benefit analiza uvođenja nove pojne točke u srednjenaponsku mrežu grada Vinkovaca
Duktaj Darko
Budući da dolazi do razvoja šireg gradskog područja grada Vinkovca u posljednjih 30 godina kojim se usmjeravala izgradnja industrijskih i stambenih građevina na rubna područja, na istim prostornim planovima predviđen je smještaj energetskih kapaciteta za pokriće potreba rastućeg elektroenergetskog konzuma. Uzimajući u obzir pravilno planiranje i održavanje srednje naponske mreže, kao i sve veće zahtjeve koji se postavljaju pred operatora distribucijskog sustava u...
Covid-19 global pandemic: shift to online entrepreneurship
Covid-19 global pandemic: shift to online entrepreneurship
Mirna Bogeljić
Covid-19 outbreak has had a major impact not only on the economy, but also on every aspect of our lives. Health care systems around the globe started to collapse, people started panic buying items prior to the lockdown but also due to the fear and uncertainty. This led to enormous supply shortages and a lot of small manufacturers could not keep up with abrupt increase in demand. Sudden shift to the online (e-commerce) market skyrocketed, primarily because customers tried to avoid the public...
Creating a business database for Hortiriviera d.o.o.
Creating a business database for Hortiriviera d.o.o.
Ivan Tomić
Businesses worldwide have turned to computers and new technology to improve their day-to-day operations and one of those technologies are databases. This is why it’s important to know the history of databases and how they have become a critical component improving manipulation of business data due to the fact that it enables faster accessing, editing and deleting of data. On that note, the author has conducted the research on Hortiriviera d.o.o. and their current system of managing...
Creation of business database for documenting employees' work in Euromarkt d.o.o.
Creation of business database for documenting employees' work in Euromarkt d.o.o.
Matija Željko
Software Microsoft Access was first introduced in 1992 by Microsoft, through years of development and upgrades it is still one of the most popular and used tools for creating business databases. Moreover, company Euromarkt d. o. o. was founded in 1992 and located in Zagreb, Euromarkt d. o. o. has long experience in business of sales, rental and service of all warehouse machinery. In last 15 years, company has managed to position itself as one of the strongest in the region. It stands out...
