Title Mentalni modeli u marketingu – povezanost menadžerskih kognicija i tržišne snage marke
Title (english) Mental models in marketing – the relationship between managerial cognition and brand strength
Author Mario Fraculj
Mentor Jasmina Dlačić (mentor)
Committee member Bruno Grbac (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Aleksandra Pisnik (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Maja Martinović (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Rijeka Faculty of Economics and Business Rijeka
Defense date and country 2024-12-13, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 330 - Economics. Economic science
Abstract Predmet istraživanja ovog doktorskog rada uključuje dva primarna objekta, a to su
mentalni modeli marketinških menadžera i marketinška uspješnost. Osnovni ciljevi ovog
rada bili su istražiti i produbiti prethodne teorijske spoznaje o ulozi menadžerskih
kognicija u razvoju i primjeni marketinških sposobnosti te oblikovati konceptualni model
i empirijski testirati povezanost mentalnih modela marketinških menadžera i marketinške
uspješnosti mjerene promjenom u tržišnoj snazi marke.
U empirijskom dijelu rada koristio se mješoviti pristup. Podaci za kvalitativno
istraživanje prikupljeni su metodom polustrukturiranih dubinskih intervjua, a u njihovoj
obradi korištena je metoda analize sadržaja. Kod kvantitativnog istraživanja podaci su
prikupljeni pomoću strukturiranog upitnika, a u obradi su korištene metode univarijatne
(osnovni deskriptivni pokazatelji varijabli, t-test, ANOVA), bivarijatne (analiza
korelacije) i multivarijatne statističke analize (eksplorativna faktorska analiza,
konfirmatorna kompozitna analiza).
Pomoćne hipoteze koje se odnose na kombiniranu marketinšku ambidekstriju i jači
naglasak na ambidekstričnoj sposobnosti odbačene su. Rezultat testiranja pomoćne
hipoteze vezane uz balansiranu marketinšku ambidekstriju pokazuje da marketinški
menadžeri koji jači naglasak stavljaju na marketinšku eksploataciju ostvaruju veći porast
tržišne snage svojih marki od onih koji marketinškoj eksploataciji i eksploraciji streme
na uravnotežen način. Ovo bez obzira na pretpostavljeni smjer razlike (empirijski nalazi
su mješoviti) pruža uporište za djelomično prihvaćanje temeljne hipoteze da postoji
povezanost mentalnih modela marketinških menadžera i tržišne snage marke.
Znanstveni doprinos rada ogleda se u povezivanju tri zasebna istraživačka pravca koja se
bave menadžerskim kognicijama, marketinškim sposobnostima i ambidekstrijom.
Postavljena je nova tipologija mentalnih modela prema odnosu marketinške eksploracije
i eksploatacije te su razvijene dvije nove skale za mjerenje fokusa na upravljanju
komunikacijom marke i fokusa na razvoju novih proizvoda, čime je djelomično popunjen
istraživački jaz identificiran proučavanjem literature. Praktične implikacije uključuju
mogućnost prosuđivanja angažmana menadžera u marketinškom procesu kroz prizmu
definiranih mentalnih modela te potencijalni doprinos u području upravljanja ljudskim
potencijalima u vidu selekcije i edukacije zaposlenika.
U daljnjim istraživanjima preporuča se uzeti u obzir i druge čimbenike koji mogu utjecati
na kretanje tržišne snage marke, drukčije operacionalizirati konstrukte te identificirati
jakosti i slabosti pojedinih mentalnih modela u različitim fazama poslovanja i životnog
ciklusa marke i industrije.
Abstract (english) The research of this doctoral dissertation involves two primary objects, namely the mental
models of marketing managers and marketing performance. The main objectives of this
dissertation were to explore and deepen previous theoretical knowledge about the role of
managerial cognitions in the development and application of marketing capabilities, and
to develop a conceptual model and empirically test the relationship between the mental
models of marketing managers and marketing performance measured by the change in
the brand strength.
A mixed methods design was used in the empirical part of the dissertation. The data for
the qualitative research were collected using the method of semi-structured in-depth
interviews, and processed using the method of content analysis. In the quantitative
research, the data were collected using a structured questionnaire, and analyzed using the
methods of univariate (basic descriptive statistics of variables, t-test, ANOVA), bivariate
(correlation analysis) and multivariate statistics (exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory
composite analysis).
Auxiliary hypotheses relating to combined marketing ambidexterity and a stronger
emphasis on an ambidextrous capability were rejected. The result of testing the auxiliary
hypothesis related to balanced marketing ambidexterity shows that marketing managers
who place a stronger emphasis on marketing exploitation achieve a greater increase in the
brand strength than those who strive for marketing exploitation and exploration in a
balanced way. This, regardless of the assumed direction of the difference (empirical
findings are mixed), provides support for the partial acceptance of the main hypothesis
that there is a connection between mental models of marketing managers and brand
The scientific contribution of the paper is reflected in combining the three separate
research streams of managerial cognition, marketing capabilities and ambidexterity. A
new typology of mental models was proposed according to the relationship between
marketing exploration and exploitation, and two new scales were developed to measure
the focus on brand communication management and the focus on new product
development, which partially filled the research gap identified in the literature. Practical implications include the possibility of judging managers' engagement in the marketing
process through the prism of defined mental models and the potential contribution to the
field of human resources management in the form of employee selection and education.
In further research, it is recommended to consider other factors that can affect brand
strength, to operationalize constructs differently and identify the strengths and
weaknesses of particular mental models at different stages of the business development
and brand and industry life cycles.
mentalni modeli
menadžerske kognicije
marketinške sposobnosti
marketinška ambidekstrija
tržišna snaga marke
Keywords (english)
mental models
managerial cognition
marketing capabilities
marketing ambidexterity
brand strength
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:192:532384
Promotion 2025
Study programme Title: Economics and Business Economics Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje društvenih znanosti, polje ekonomija (doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje društvenih znanosti, polje ekonomija)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2025-01-23 13:35:36