
Evolucija ekonomskih institucija
Evolucija ekonomskih institucija
Rina Batarelo Kulaš
Evolucija ekonomskih institucija posljednjih je godina sve više u fokusu ekonomskih teoretičara. U društvenim znanostima krajem 20. stoljeća dolazi do oživljavanja interesa za institucije i različite institucionalne pristupe teoriji. Jedan od najupečatljivijih događaja je pojava “nove institucionalne ekonomije” u posljednjoj četvrtini dvadesetog stoljeća. Rezultat toga je da su institucije postale središnja tema analize za ekonomiste. Ekonomski teoretičari, ali i stručna...
Evolucija kriptovaluta i njihova uporaba u e-trgovini
Evolucija kriptovaluta i njihova uporaba u e-trgovini
Valentina Knezović
Razdoblje elektroničkog poslovanja započinje razvojem interneta koji se sve intenzivnije počinje koristiti kao prostor za obavljanje poslovnih aktivnosti. E-poslovanje nudi puno više mogućnosti od onog tradicionalnog radi svoje brzine, povezanosti i neopipljivosti što vodi ka globalizaciji poslovanja koja pogoduje svima. Za poslovanje općenito informacija je od ključne važnosti, a upravo e-poslovanje omogućuje da se ona prenosi bilo kada i bilo gdje. Elektroničko poslovanje je...
Evolucija u digitalnom habitusu: multinacionalne korporacije pod tržišnim imperativom opstanka
Evolucija u digitalnom habitusu: multinacionalne korporacije pod tržišnim imperativom opstanka
Petar Matić
„Too big to fail“ odnosno „preveliki da bi propali“ nešto je što se posljednjih godina često čuje u poslovnom svijetu, posebno na bankarskom tržištu. No istovremeno aktualna je tema velika dinamika na tržištu modernih tehnologija. Veliki tržišni igrači često propadaju naizgled bez razloga te bivaju kupljeni odnosno preuzeti od strane donedavno „manjih“ sudionika na tržištu. Na pitanje koji su razlozi tako velikih padova i preslagivanja u ovom radu će se odgovoriti...
Evolucija upravljanja ekstremnim društvenim događajima
Evolucija upravljanja ekstremnim društvenim događajima
Marcelo Agbaba
Ekstremni događaji značajno utječu na socijalne, ekološke i tehničke sustave. Pregledom literature uočeno je kako ovo područje karakterizira interdisciplinarnost i uključuje klimatologiju, znanosti o zemlji, ekologiju, inženjerstvo, hidrologiju, društvene i ostale znanosti koje definiraju i komuniciraju ekstremne događaje. Ekstremni događaji nastaju u prirodnim, tehničkim i društvenim sredinama. Mogu biti prirodnog ili antropogenog podrijetla. Nakon svoje iznenadne pojave,...
Example of internal audit in small bank in Croatia
Example of internal audit in small bank in Croatia
Sara Bačvarova
This final paper shows how internal audit functions in a small bank in Croatia. The author of the paper describes how the internal audit works on a particular example of a bank, its workflow, which methodology and paperwork it is used. When writing the final paper the author uses the case study method, the method of classification and description method by which all explain that the internal audit function is one of the most important department of the bank because it analyzes and evaluates...
Exploring the Role of TikTok Influencers in Consumer's Purchases of Make-up Products
Exploring the Role of TikTok Influencers in Consumer's Purchases of Make-up Products
Kornelia Hunčak
In this final thesis, the effectiveness of TikTok influencers in the makeup industry was analyzed. The research was based on qualitative data analysis collected through interviews with individuals who purchased make-up products influenced by TikTok influencers. The aim was to examine the impact of TikTok influencers on consumer trust and purchasing decisions, as well as the perception of authenticity and credibility of promotional content. The results indicated that TikTok influencers...
Export procedure based on the example of company JGL d.d.
Export procedure based on the example of company JGL d.d.
Nika Vidak
The company JGL, as a pharmaceutical company based in Croatia, carries out successful export activities on the international market. Through the analysis of the existing export procedure/process, challenges such as regulatory requirements and competition were identified, but also opportunities such as product portfolio diversification and geographical expansion. Recommendations for further export development include investment in research and development of new products, strengthening of...
Export procedure of Meduza Company
Export procedure of Meduza Company
Iva Baršić
In this paper are elaborated basics of International Business, ways that globalization greatly benefited trade outside the borders of a home country. Favorable political and economic trends, elimination of trade barriers between countries enabled small and large enterprises to broaden their business abroad. Sources of data used for this work are company documents and professional literature. Basic motives for entering foreign markets through export activity are the increase of labor...
Export procedure: A case of Kraš Plc.
Export procedure: A case of Kraš Plc.
Iva Jozić
The aim of this paper is to describe the processes regarding exporting business of a confectionery industry regional giant, Kraš Plc. However, the paper is not limited to this specific topic and before it delves into the analysis of the company, it focuses on the theoretical part explaning the term ''exporting'', as well as its types, methods and motives for export business. It then presents all the key facts and performance indicators of the forementioned company. Descriptive methods are...
External Communication in Erste Bank Rijeka
External Communication in Erste Bank Rijeka
Dagmar Plišić
Every aspect of life requires effective communication. Almost all human interactions involve verbal or nonverbal communication between interlocutors. Whatever the meaning of communication, the message given and how it is received by the recipient are crucial. In a professional setting, communication is becoming increasingly more crucial because information transmission, timeliness, and accuracy have a significant impact on the organization's operations, on interpersonal connections...
External trade as a determinant of the European Union's development potential
External trade as a determinant of the European Union's development potential
Merle De Groot
The European Union has come a long way since the Second World War. Through an economic union and the European internal market, EU Member States have been able to grow and flourish. While it is clear that the intra-EU trade is likely to be of high importance for EU countries, given the advantages of the European internal market, the role of extra-EU trade in the development of the EU remains more of a mystery. With a hypothesis that assumes extra-EU trade is crucial for EU development, this...
FER vrijednost dugotrajne materijalne imovine
FER vrijednost dugotrajne materijalne imovine
Snježana Mesić
Jedan od glavnih ciljeva poduzeća jest ostvarivati dobit. Kako bi se to ostvarilo, poduzeće mora raspolagati odgovarajućim resursima uključujući, u većoj ili manjoj mjeri i dugotrajnu materijalnu imovinu. Dugotrajna materijalna imovina obuhvaća nekretnine, postrojenja i opremu, ulaganja u nekretnine te dugotrajnu imovinu namijenjenu prodaji. Različite metode vrednovanja dugotrajne materijalne imovine utječu na poslovni rezultat poduzeća, a menadžment koji mora pratiti odredbe...
