Creating a business database for Hortiriviera d.o.o.
Ivan Tomić Businesses worldwide have turned to computers and new technology to improve their
day-to-day operations and one of those technologies are databases. This is why it’s
important to know the history of databases and how they have become a critical component
improving manipulation of business data due to the fact that it enables faster accessing,
editing and deleting of data. On that note, the author has conducted the research on
Hortiriviera d.o.o. and their current system of managing...
Creation of business database for documenting employees' work in Euromarkt d.o.o.
Matija Željko Software Microsoft Access was first introduced in 1992 by Microsoft, through years of development and upgrades it is still one of the most popular and used tools for creating business databases. Moreover, company Euromarkt d. o. o. was founded in 1992 and located in Zagreb, Euromarkt d. o. o. has long experience in business of sales, rental and service of all warehouse machinery. In last 15 years, company has managed to position itself as one of the strongest in the region. It stands out...
Creation of the Economic Database for individual fiscal data and personal income tax calculations
Luis Emilio Pinedo Juric This Bachelor Thesis finds its origins in the arrival of the author in the Republic of Croatia in the year 2015, his university education in the field of economics within Faculty of Economics and Business at the University of Rijeka and its undergraduate study International Business as well as in the author's numerous fruitful conversational exchanges with his mentor/supervisor over the years. Being immersed in the business and economic panorama of contemporary Croatia, the author became...
Creation of the business database for booking of working spaces in RiHub
Ema Mozetič The main purpose of this Bachelor Thesis is the creation of a business database with the data gathered about the booking of working spaces available in RiHub. RiHub is a cultural, information and participation center in the City of Rijeka which was opened as an integrative part of the project European Capital of Culture, the title Rijeka will hold in the year 2020. All other programmes included in the project Rijeka 2020 were explained in a few sentences to create a general picture of what...
Creation of the business database for tracking various costs of apartment renting
Boris Zatezalo The idea for this bachelor thesis first sprouted in the author’s mind during his studies in the third year of his International Business program, particularly while learning the implementation of Microsoft Office Access during the course Data Bases that is held by the professor who is also the supervisor of this bachelor thesis. The author, who is also familiar with the business of apartment renting, thought it might be beneficial to implement business databases in the management and...
Creation of the business database of damage reports for Cito Fresh Logistika Ltd
Nicole Lipizer The main purpose of this Bachelor Thesis is the creation of business database with the data gathered about the damage during transports by the company Cito Fresh Logistika Ltd. This, Cito Fresh Logistika, Ltd is company that works in Transportation Services Sector Industry with the headquarters in the City of Rijeka, Croatia. Thus, activities and fields of logistics were explained to create a broader picture of the company's business and to overview the main issues and reasons for creation...
Cross-cultural product adaptation
Sara Hušidić In today's interconnected world, businesses face the challenge of expanding their products and
services into diverse markets across various cultures. Achieving success in these markets
requires a deep understanding of cultural nuances and adapting products to meet the specific
needs and preferences of different cultural groups. This bachelor thesis explores the concept of
cross-cultural adaptation of products and its significance in customers satisfaction with adapted
products and...
Crowdfunding - alternativni način financiranja
Marin Kapović U današnje vrijeme, kojeg posebno obilježava obilata dostupnost informacija, dolazi do velikog napretka u pogledu kreativnosti i inovacija. Međutim velika količina tih ideja ne dolazi do izražaja, najvećim djelom zbog manjka sredstava kojih bi potencijalni inovatori mogli ostvariti putem tradicionalnih izvora financiranja. Kao svojevrstan odgovor tome „nastao“ je crowdfunding, kakvog znamo danas. Ovaj način financiranja pružio je novim poduzetnicima priliku ostvarivanja svojih...
Crowdfunding financiranje poduzetničkih ideja u Republici Hrvatskoj
Dario Tomić Razvojem i rastom važnosti poduzetništva, došlo je do razvoja novih, dinamičnijih i povoljnijih načina financiranja. Crowdfunding je vrlo jednostavan model financiranja, za koji nije potrebno činiti provjeru kreditne sposobnosti pa je i cjelokupni proces brži. Posebnost crowdfundinga je što može doprijeti do različitih dijelova tržišta, ne nužno samo profitnog sektora već i neprofitnog sektora te dijelova tržišta koji se bave društveno korisnim projektima i slično. Ovaj je...
Crowdfunding kao alternativni izvor financiranja projekta
Ivana Špelić Diplomski rad pod nazivom Crowdfunding kao alternativni izvor financiranja projekta sastoji se od teorijskog i empirijskog dijela. Crowdfunding je sve popularniji kod poduzetnika početnika koji žele započeti s realizacijom svoje poslovne ideje, a nemaju dovoljno financijskih sredstava prikupljenih kroz tradicionalne kanale pa se odlučuju za alternativni izvor financiranja svojih projekata. Broj domaćih kampanja na crowdfunding platformama raste, ali još uvijek je takav način...
Crowdfunding kao pristup financiranja i valorizacije koncepata vrijednosti start up poduzetnika
Lana Jurlina Poduzetništvo je žila kucavica gospodarskog razvoja svake zemlje. To je proces prepoznavanje ideja i pokretanje poslovnog pothvata, raspodjela i organiziranje potrebnih resursa i suočavanja s rizicima i koristima od toga. Jedno od najpropulzivnijih područja istraživanja unutar poduzetništva je područje poduzetničkih financija. Poduzetničke financije uglavnom su se usredotočile na formalne tradicionalne izvore financiranja, poput poslovnih anđela, banaka i kapitalista. Počevši od...
Crowdfunding u Europskoj uniji u uvjetima pandemije COVID-19
Gabrijela Žugaj Svrha ovog rada je istražiti i analizirati postoji li utjecaj crowdfundinga kao
alternativnog oblika financiranja na poboljšanje poslovanja malih i srednjih poduzeća u
uvjetima krize uzrokovane virusom Covid-19. U prvom dijelu rada pobliže je objašnjen
pojam malih i srednjih poduzeća, kao i njihova važnost za cjelokupno gospodarstvo
Europske unije te su navedeni najčešći izvori financiranja za kojima posežu mali i
srednji poduzetnici. Nadalje se u radu skreće pozornost...