Sudionici tržišta osiguranja u Republici Hrvatskoj
Mirna Spasić Sudionici tržišta osiguranja u Republici Hrvatskoj objašnjeni u ovome radu su društva za osiguranje, društva za reosiguranje, pravne i fizičke osobe koje obavljaju poslove posredovanja u osiguranju i reosiguranju te ostali sudionici tržišta osiguranja u Republici Hrvatskoj među kojima su Hrvatski nuklearni POOL gospodarsko udruženje te Hrvatski ured za osiguranje. Također, navedene su i objašnjene osnovna obilježja tržišta osiguranja u Republici Hrvatskoj poput životnih I...
Sukreiranje turističkog doživljaja u destinaciji - Novi Vinodolski
Nataša Tomić Turizam je ekonomska djelatnost koja prelazi u jednu od vodećih gospodarskih aktivnosti te
je odraz proizvodnih i društvenih odnosa. Kulturni turizam se temelji na promoviranju,
očuvanju te isticanju kulturnih vrijednosti značajan je oblik turizma koji doprinosi razvoju
turističke destinacije i stvaranju jedinstvenog utiska dok turistički doživljaj predstavlja
mogućnost razvoja kulturnog turizma kroz pružanje pozitivnog i nezaboravnog iskustva za
potrošače. Direktno utječe...
Sun Tzu-ova promišljanja povezana s današnjim poslovanjem poduzeća
Vanesa Cindrić Ovaj završni rad istražuje primjenjivost strategijskih načela iz knjige „Umijeće ratovanja“ autora Sun Tzu-a povezano s poslovanjem poduzeća današnjice. Cilj rada je analizirati kako se vojne strategije mogu primijeniti u poslovnim strategijama poduzeća kako bi ono bilo što konkurentnije i učinkovitije. U ovom radu analizirane su strategije poput „poznavanja neprijatelja i sebe“, „prilagodbe promjenama“, „iskorištavanja slabosti protivnika“ i „važnosti...
Sun Tzuovo Umijeće ratovanja u strateškom menadžmentu s analizom literature i primjerima iz prakse
Dora Šižgorić Winter Ovaj rad istražuje utjecaj Sun Tzua i njegovog djela „Umijeće ratovanja“ na suvremeni strateški menadžment. Sun Tzuova filozofija, koja naglašava važnost znanja, planiranja, prilagodljivosti i obmane, nudi vrijedne uvide za organizacije suočene s izazovima modernog poslovnog svijeta. Rad analizira ključne principe iz Tzueva djela poput razumijevanje protivnika, predviđanje izazova, precizno planiranje i postizanje pobjede uz minimalan sukob. Osim toga, istražuju se etička...
Supply chain management in professional football club
Jakov Mioč The sports sector, like other sectors, depends on delivery and supply. Therefore, it stands to reason that supply chain management (SCM) also applies to sports companies. This thesis analyses the perspectives of supply chain management implementation focusing on professional football clubs. Since the use of supply chain management in football has not yet been researched at the highest level, one objective of this thesis is to provide some important information about the characteristics and...
Support of small and medium entrepreneurship in the rural areas of the European Union
Uma Priskić Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are integral to the European Union's
economy, significantly influencing its socio-economic activities. They represent the vast
majority of all enterprises within the EU and are responsible for a substantial share of
total employment and value creation. Despite their significant contributions, there are
noticeable disparities between SMEs operating in rural and urban areas. Addressing these
disparities is essential for fostering balanced economic...
Support of small and medium-sized enterprises in the European Union and selected member states
Anamaria Bolf This thesis explores the support mechanisms provided to small and medium-sized enterprises
(SMEs) in the European Union (EU) and compares the SME ecosystems of two selected
member states – Croatia and Finland. The research examines the historical evolution, legislative
frameworks, and support strategies aimed at fostering SME growth, competitiveness, and
innovation. Through a comparative analysis, the study highlights key differences and
similarities between Croatia and Finland in...
Suprotstavljene ekonomske misli J.M. Keynesa i Miltona Friedmana sa osvrtom na Republiku Hrvatsku
Jana Bilović Dvadeseto stoljeće obilježeno je dvjema krizama koje su učinile veliki obrat u ekonomskoj znanosti. Unatoč negativnostima koje su se pokazale u gospodarstvu, s druge strane ekonomska znanost postala je bogatija teorijama John Maynarda Keynesa i Miltona Friedmana. Razlog tomu je što su navedeni ekonomisti gradili dvije različite teorije čiji se elementi koriste i dan danas. Ekonomske misli J. M. Keynsa afirmirane su tridesetih godina prošlog stoljeća kao odgovor na tadašnju...
Sustainable and clean energy - the case of Tesla company
Ana Kaštelan Tesla is considered to be the leading electric vehicles producing company on the market. It was the first to recognize the need for a more sustainable car than the conventional gasoline powered ones and offered the market its solution. The company has combined the generation of electric energy through solar panels and other products of SolarCity with its vehicles, giving it a competitive advantage that none of its competitors have. Tesla's cars are a result of their continuing investment in...
Sustainable development of the island of Rab
Marta Kaštelan Definition of island in the world and Croatian literature has numerous of definition that indicates that the island as part of land is surrounded by water (sea, lake, river). According to the UN Convention on the Territorial Sea and the Contiguous Zone of 1958, the island was "... naturally formed area of land surrounded by water which is above water for the highest tide." . The island is made of the same land as all the land on the continent but the elements are different. The island...
Sustainable fashion products - Consumer perception and purchasing decisions
Matea Mijatović This final paper deals with the issue of consumer behavior and the impact of a sustainable fashion product on the purchasing decision. Today, consumers are an integral part of business and marketing, their behavior as well as purchasing decisions are important element of any business. In order to help business improve their work and direct it in the way that satisfy all subjects that are part of the business process consumer behavior must be analyzed. There are many factors that have...
Sustainable tourism in Istria region
Asja Spasojević This paper examines the practices and requirements of the sustainable tourism of the Istria County. Istria County represents the place of setting foundations for this worldwide concept in Croatia, but it is yet to be fully developed and integrated into the domestic market in the years to come. Although for now only a small part of the Istria's tourism actually embodies the sustainability approach, the offer of facilities and activities characterized as being sustainable and / or...