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- Rusev, PetraCalculation and recording of salaries in the Republic of Croatia and in the United Kingdom
- Sušanj-Širola, EmaCarbon footprint and ecological awareness of students
- Dakić, IvaCarbon footprint of the food industry - situation and perspective
- Poljičanin, LucijaCarinski dokumenti u međunarodnoj trgovini
- Mrgić, PetraCarinski sustav i carinski postupci
- Marjanović, MateaCase studies of market integration in the European Union - movement of goods
- Marić, SandraCase study of market integration in the European Union: movement of workers
- Mihalić, MariaCauses and effects of Dotcom bubble crash in United States
- Čagalj, AleksandarChallenges of online sales and consumer decision making
- Šprajc, PetraCiljevi i instrumenti monetarne politike u Republici Hrvatskoj