Title Stvaranje, rast i razvoj startup poduzeća na primjeru "Hivetech"
Title (english) Creating, growth and development a startup company on the example of "Hivetech"
Author Mario Kukal
Mentor Slavomir Vukmirović (mentor)
Committee member Slavomir Vukmirović (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Zvonko Čapko (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Mirjana Grčić Fabić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Rijeka Faculty of Economics and Business Rijeka
Defense date and country 2024-09-27, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics
Abstract Diplomski rad pod nazivom "Stvaranje, rast i razvoj startup poduzeća na primjeru Hivetech" obrađuje ključne aspekte osnivanja i razvoja startup poduzeća, uz fokus na primjeru Hivetech-a, neovisne digitalne agencije iz Hrvatske. Autor proučava specifične izazove, prilike i strategije povezane sa startupima, s ciljem identificiranja faktora uspjeha i rizika, a sve to potkrepljuje primjerom uspješnog startup poduzeća HIVETECH.
Rad počinje uvodom u koncept startupa, koji se definira kao poduzeće u ranoj fazi razvoja, s visokim inovativnim potencijalom, ali i povećanim rizicima. Startupi se obično suočavaju s izazovima poput nedostatka resursa, potreba za financiranjem i neizvjesnosti tržišta. Posebna pažnja posvećena je razlikama između startup poduzeća i tradicionalnih poduzeća, pri čemu se startupi ističu po svojoj prilagodljivosti i inovativnosti.
Autor detaljno analizira modele stvaranja startupa, uključujući različite poslovne modele poput B2B (business-to-business) i SaaS (softver kao usluga). Također, prikazan je društveni značaj poduzetništva, gdje se startupi opisuju kao ključni motori gospodarskog razvoja i inovacija. U radu su obrađene prednosti, ali i izazovi s kojima se startupi suočavaju, uključujući financijske prepreke, birokratske izazove te važnost agilnog poslovnog modela.
Hivetech je predstavljen kao primjer uspješnog hrvatskog startupa, koji je kroz inovativna tehnološka rješenja, poput primjene umjetne inteligencije i kibernetičke sigurnosti, uspio proširiti svoje poslovanje na međunarodnom tržištu, s posebnim naglaskom na podružnicu u Dubaiju. Ključni faktori uspjeha Hivetecha uključuju tehnološku izvrsnost, prilagodljivost promjenama na tržištu, kvalitetan tim i usmjerenost na korisničko iskustvo. Također, Hivetech kontinuirano ulaže u razvoj svojih zaposlenika i tehničkih kapaciteta, što im omogućuje konkurentnost i održivi rast.
Metodologija istraživanja temelji se na primarnoj i sekundarnoj analizi podataka, uključujući provedene intervjue s ključnim osobama u Hivetechu. Analiza podataka pruža uvid u ključne trendove u poslovanju i tehnologijama koje Hivetech koristi za unapređenje svojih usluga.
Zaključno, rad donosi pregled ključnih čimbenika uspjeha startupa, s naglaskom na važnost inovacija, agilnosti i prilagodljivosti tržištu. Također, ističe važnost kvalitetnog menadžmenta i stalnog ulaganja u razvoj zaposlenika kao ključnih elemenata za dugoročni uspjeh poduzeća.
Rad nudi i prijedloge za daljnje istraživanje u ovom području, uključujući mogućnosti za razvoj Hivetecha i drugih startupova u sličnim industrijama.
Abstract (english) The thesis titled "The Creation, Growth, and Development of a Startup Company on the Example of Hivetech" deals with the key aspects of founding and developing a startup company, with a focus on the example of Hivetech, an independent digital agency from Croatia. The author examines the specific challenges, opportunities, and strategies related to startups, with the aim of identifying success factors and risks, all supported by the example of the successful startup company HIVETECH.
The work begins with an introduction to the concept of a startup, defined as a company in its early stages of development, with high innovation potential but also increased risks. Startups typically face challenges such as lack of resources, need for funding, and market uncertainty. Special attention is given to the differences between startups and traditional companies, with startups standing out for their adaptability and innovation.
The author thoroughly analyzes startup creation models, including various business models such as B2B (business-to-business) and SaaS (software as a service). The social significance of entrepreneurship is also addressed, where startups are described as key drivers of economic development and innovation. The paper discusses the advantages as well as the challenges faced by startups, including financial obstacles, bureaucratic challenges, and the importance of an agile business model.
Hivetech is presented as an example of a successful Croatian startup, which, through innovative technological solutions such as the application of artificial intelligence and cybersecurity, has managed to expand its operations to the international market, with a special focus on its branch in Dubai. The key success factors of Hivetech include technological excellence, adaptability to market changes, a skilled team, and a focus on customer experience. Additionally, Hivetech continuously invests in the development of its employees and technical capabilities, allowing it to remain competitive and sustain growth.
The research methodology is based on both primary and secondary data analysis, including interviews conducted with key figures at Hivetech. The data analysis provides insight into key trends in business and technologies that Hivetech uses to improve its services.
In conclusion, the paper provides an overview of the key factors for startup success, emphasizing the importance of innovation, agility, and market adaptability. It also highlights the importance of quality management and constant investment in employee development as crucial elements for the long-term success of a company. The paper also offers suggestions for further research in this area, including possibilities for the development of Hivetech and other startups in similar industries.
poslovni modeli
inovativni potencijal
međunarodno tržište
Keywords (english)
business models
innovative potential
international market
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:192:279250
Study programme Title: Business economics; specializations in: Finance, Entrepreneurship, Management, Finance and Accounting, Marketing, International Business, IT Business Course: Entrepreneurship Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a magistar/magistra ekonomije (sveučilišni/a magistar/magistra ekonomije)
Type of resource Text
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Created on 2024-12-11 16:07:04