Abstract | Mogućnost punopravnog korištenja europskih strukturnih i investicijskih fondova, Republika Hrvatska
stekla je u trenutku pristupanja Europskoj Uniji, te se ona od tada namjenski iskorištavaju u skladu sa
nacionalnim i regionalnim razvojnim potrebama, a kako bi prioriteti i strategije Unije bili ispunjeni u
Jedan od temeljnih prioriteta Europske Unije je postizanje što ravnomjernijeg razvoja, ne samo njezinih
zemalja članica, već i regija unutar svake od njih, a prema Zakonu o regionalnom razvoju Republike
Hrvatske, koji je primarno usmjeren na društveno – gospodarski razvoj Republike Hrvatske, te stvaranje
uvjeta koji će u svim dijelovima zemlje pridonijeti jačanju konkurentnosti i realizaciji vlastitih razvojnih
potencijala. U fokusu ovoga završnog rada je regionalni razvoj Primorsko – goranske županije. Kroz rad se
nastojalo povezati mogućnosti koje pružaju Europski strukturni i investicijski fondovi i istražiti kako se
njihovo namjensko korištenje odražava na konkurentnost te regije.
Prirodne i klimatske pogodnosti čije su temeljne odrednice čisto more, razvedena obala s brojnim otocima
te šumoviti Gorski kotar, te smještaj prostoru srednje Europe, oduvijek određuju gospodarski razvoj
Primorsko – goranske županije, koja, kako u odnosu na Hrvatsku, tako i u odnosu na ostale hrvatske
županije, ostvaruje vodeće rezultate u proizvodnosti rada, posebice u prerađivačkoj industriji, što ju
prema makroekonomskim pokazateljima smješta među vodeće hrvatske županije te za nju predstavlja
izrazitu konkurentsku prednost.
Gospodarstvo današnjice obilježeno je velikim promjenama vezanim uz tehnološki napredak, inovacije i
digitalizaciju, ali i krizu, čije je neposredna posljedica visok stupanj migracije, posebice mladog,
visokoobrazovanog kadra, u zemlje s višim životnim standardom. Visokoobrazovani kadar, kao pokretač
transformativnih gospodarskih promjena, predstavlja razvojni potencijal ove regije, zbog čega je
ostvarivanje uvjeta za njegov ostanak izrazito važno.
Činjenica da tehnološkom strukturom Županije još uvijek prevladavaju tržišne usluge za koje je potreban
relativno nizak intezitet znanja (turizam, trgovina, skladištenje, kopneni prijevoz), dok su tržišne usluge
intenzivne znanjem (prijevoz i visokostručne usluge) slabije zastupljene, ukazuje na potrebu ubrzanog
prihvaćanja i implementiranja suvremenih tehnoloških rješenja te povećanja udjela visokotehnoloških
usluga (uključuju IKT, telekomunikacije, istraživanje i razvoj). Dodatan poticaj aktivnijem prihvaćanju i
implementaciji tehnoloških promjena i digitalizacije kao preduvjeta daljnjeg poslovanja, svakako su i
okolnosti povezane s korona- krizom.
Prema analiziranim financijskim pokazateljima evidentna je potreba intenzivnijeg isticanja spomenutnih
konkurentnih potencijala u djelatnostima koje značajno utječu na cjelokupno gospodarstvo županije te
osiguravaju njezin održivi razvoj. Tu se u prvom redu ističe prerađivačka industrija te na djelatnosti plavog
(pomorski prijevoz, lučke djelatnosti, brodogradnja i remont, ribarstvo i akvakultura, obalni turizam,
biotehnologija i drugo) i zelenog gospodarstva (energetika i gospodarenje otpadom, obnovljivi izvori
energije, zeleni turizam, eko proizvodnja hrane i drugo). Iako se broj stanovika u Primorsko – goranskoj
županiji značajno smanjio, povoljna prirodna i klimatska obilježja i dalje su jak motiv za život i rad.
Ostanak mladih obitelji ali i doseljavanje novih, uvelike ovisi o načinu korištenja potencijala i resursa na
području županije. Napredne tehnologije predstavljaju potencijal za otvaranje radnih mjesta visoke
dodane vrijednosti, te je zbog toga je potrebno pokrenuti inovativne i tehnološki napredne industrije,
digitalizirati prometnu i drugu infrastrukturu, povezati istraživačke laboratorije i centre i slično. Razvijeno
riječko Sveučilište, razvijen sektor prerađivačke industrije te njihova sinergija u službi su transforamcije u
industriju 4.0 te daljnje jačanje konkurentnosti proizvoda i usluga temeljenih na visoko razvijenim
tehnologijama. Opisano konkurentno gospodarsko okruženje zahvaljujući najvećoj poduzetničkoj zoni u
Hrvatskoj, logističkom centru u izgradnji, kao i brojnim brownfield područjima, predstavlja iznimnu
gospodarsku osnovu koja doprinosi razvoju poduzetništva.
Provedba projekata sufinanciranih iz EU fondova uvelike doprinosi razvoju svih spomenutih područja, a
kontinuirano poticanje njihova intenzivnijeg korištenja, svakako predstavlja jednu od okosnica daljnjeg
razvoja Županije.
U ovome je radu prikazan utjecaj apsorpcije europskih strukturnih i investicijskih fondova na razvoj
Primorsko – goranske županije. Analiza je provedena temeljem podataka dostupnih na službenoj web
stranici Europskih strukturnih i investicijskih fondova o svim odobrenim projektima u pojedinom području
čija je provedba završila ili je još uvijek u tijeku. Podatci su ondje podijeljeni na Operativne programe
(Operativni program Konkurentnost i kohezija te Operativni program Učinkoviti ljudski potencijali) te
unutar njih na područja intervencije.
Operativni program Konkurentnost i kohezija obuhvaća ulaganja u: poduzetništvo, energetiku,
zdravstvenu i socijalnu infrastrukturu, turizam i kulturu, promet, obrazovanje, zaštitu okoliša te
komunalnu infrastrukturu, dok Operativni program Učinkoviti ljudski potencijali obuhvaća ulaganja u:
visoku zapošljivost i mobilnost radne snage, socijalno uključivanje, obrazovanje i cjeloživotno učenje te
dobro upravljanje. Cilj analize bio je utvrditi u koja se područja na području Županije ulaže najviše, a u koja
pak najmanje te kako se to odražava na njezin napredak i razvoj u smislu rasta bruto domaćeg proizvoda
i bruto dodane vrijednosti, gospodarske strukture, rasta vanjskotrgovinske bilance te otvaranja novih
radnih mjesta, kao i smanjivanje štetnih utjecaja na okoliš, intenzivnijeg uključivanja socijalno ugroženih
skupina u život društva i sl.. |
Abstract (english) | The European Structural and Investment Funds are a financial instrument for the implementation of public
policies of the European Union, and the Republic of Croatia acquired the possibility of their full use at the
time of accession to the European Union, and since then they have been purposefully used in accordance
with established national and regional development needs, and in order to fulfil priorities and strategy of
the Union as a whole.
One of the fundamental priorities of the European Union is to achieve as stronger development as possible,
not only of its member countries, but also of the regions within each of them. In accordance with this
priority, Croatia adopted the Act on Regional Development whose fundamental purpose is to contribute to
the socio-economic development of the Republic of Croatia and create conditions that will enable all parts of
the country to strengthen their competitiveness and realize their own development potential.
This final thesis focuses on the regional development of the Primorje-Gorski Kotar County. It aims to connect
the possibilities provided by the European Structural and investment funds and investigate how their
intended use affects the competitiveness of that region.
Economic development of Primorje – Gorski Kotar County is determinated by it's natural advantages such
as the sea, rugged coastline with a lot of islands and the Gorski Kotar area, rich in forest and wood.
Thanks to these natural features, as well as its geographical location, Primorje – Gorski kotar county achieves
leading results in labor productivity, especially in the processing industry, which, according to
macroeconomic indicators, places it among the leading Croatian counties and represents a distinct
competitive advantage for it.
Today's economy is characterized by major changes related to technological progress, innovation and
digitization, but also a crisis, the immediate consequence of which is a high degree of migration, especially of
young, highly educated staff, to countries with a higher living standard. A highly educated workforce, as a
driver of transformative economic changes, represents the development potential of this region, which is
why achieving the conditions for its survival is extremely important. The technological structure of the
County is still dominated by market services with low knowledge intensity (tourism, trade, warehousing,
land transport), while knowledge-intensive market services (transportation and highly specialized services)
are less represented, which indicates the need for accelerated acceptance and implementation of modern
technological solutions and increasing the share of high-tech services (include ICT, telecommunications,
research and development). Circumstances related to the corona crisis are certainly an additional incentive
for more active acceptance and implementation of technological changes and digitization as a prerequisite
for further business.
Financial indicators indicate the need for better use of competitive potential in activities that significantly
affect the entire economy of the county and ensure its sustainable development. This, in a special way,
applies to the processing industry and to the activities of the blue economy (maritime transport, port
activities, shipbuilding and overhaul, fishing and aquaculture, coastal tourism, biotechnology and others)
and the green economy (energy and waste management, renewable energy sources, green tourism, eco
food production and others). Although the Primorje-Gorski Kotar County is one of the oldest counties,
whose population has decreased significantly, favorable natural and climatic features are still a strong
motive for living and working. The stay of young families, as well as the immigration of new ones, strongly
depends on the method of using the potential of resources in the county.
Advanced technologies represent the potential for creating jobs with high added value, and therefore it is
necessary to start innovative and technologically advanced industries, digitize transport and other
infrastructure, connect research laboratories and centers.
The development of the University of Rijeka and the fact that the county is characterized by a developed
sector of the processing industry represents a great challenge for the synergistic development of these
activities, the transformation into Industry 4.0. and further strengthening the competitiveness of products
and services based on highly developed technologies. The competitive economic environment with the
largest entrepreneurial zone in Croatia, logistics center under construction and numerous brownfield areas
represents an exceptional economic basis, that contributes to the development of entrepreneurship.
Implementation of projects co-financed from EU funds greatly contributes to the development of all
mentioned areas, and the continuous encouragement of their more intensive use certainly represents one
of the backbones of the further development of the County.
This paper presents the impact of the absorption of European structural and investment funds on the
development of the Primorje-Gorski Kotar County. The analysis was carried out on the basis of data available
on the official website of the European Structural and Investment Funds on all approved projects in a
particular area whose implementation has ended or is still ongoing. The data is divided into Operational
Programs (Competitiveness and Cohesion Operational Program and Effective Human Resources Operational
Program) and within them into areas of intervention.
The Operational Program Competitiveness and Cohesion includes investments in: entrepreneurship, energy,
health and social infrastructure, tourism and culture, transport, education, environmental protection and
communal infrastructure, while the Operational Program Effective Human Resources includes investments
in: high employability and mobility of the workforce, social inclusion, education and lifelong learning and
good governance.
The goal of the analysis was to determine in which of the mentioned areas is invested the most, and which
the least, and how this reflects on its progress and development in terms of growth in gross domestic
product and gross added value, economic structure, growth in the foreign trade balance and the creation of
new jobs as well as reducing harmful effects on the environment, more intensive inclusion of socially
vulnerable groups in the life of society, etc. |