Abstract | Ova doktorska disertacija usmjerena je na istraživanje trendova organiziranja rada
poduzeća u dentalnoj industriji. Naime, brzi razvoj medicinskih znanja, tehnike i
tehnologije u području dentalne medicine izmijenio je izgled i snagu te industrije,
kvantitativno, kvalitativno i financijski na način da je ona postala privlačna i eminentnim
investitorima. Kao posljedica toga, evidentan je trend rasta strateških udruživanja
poduzeća u upravljane opskrbne lance, kako bi se postigli što bolji sinergijski učinci
koji proizlaze iz međusobne kooperacije poduzeća. Takve, dramatične promjene u
organizaciji i kooperaciji rada poduzeća u dentalnoj medicini dovele su do situacije da
se danas tržišna utakmica odvija između opskrbnih lanaca, za razliku od prethodnog
stanja, gdje su međusobno konkurirale male, dentalne ordinacije s ograničenim
resursima. Aktualni trendovi potakli su i ovo istraživanje koje nastoji odgovoriti na
pitanje, zašto poduzeća formiraju strateške saveze i na koji način se provodi njihova
suradnja? U cilju dobivanja odgovora na ta, i mnoga druga pitanja izveden je model
koji empirijski istražuje odnose između subjekata u dentalnoj industriji Republike
Kako bi se utvrdila priroda odnosa između poduzeća, ali i krajnjih korisnika usluga
dentalne industrije analizirana je primjena koncepta menadžmenta opskrbnog lanca u
tvrtkama koje pružaju usluge liječenja zubi u Republici Hrvatskoj. Istraživanje se temelji
na spoznaji da implementacija koncepta menadžmenta opskrbnog lanca, a posebice
čimbenika menadžmenta opskrbnog lanca u dentalnoj industriji nije u dovoljnoj mjeri
istražena. Upravo iz tog razloga nameće se potreba da se najprije identificiraju, a zatim
dublje i šire analiziraju čimbenici menadžmenta opskrbnog lanca koji pozitivno
doprinose organizacijskim performansama i zadovoljstvu krajnjeg korisnika. U
teorijskom modelu testirani su odnosi čimbenika opskrbnog lanca: stvaranje
vrijednosti, tehnologije, informacijske tehnologije i digitalizacije, dostupnosti izvora
financiranja na performanse opskrbnog lanca i organizacijske performanse.
Nakon testiranja predloženog modela utvrđeno je da tehnologija izvedbe i odnosi među
sudionicima u opskrbnom lancu snažno i pozitivno utječu na performanse opskrbnoga
lanca. Nadalje, stvaranje vrijednosti, informacijska tehnologija i digitalizacija procesa
samo djelomično pozitivno utječu na performanse opskrbnoga lanca poduzeća.
Potvrđeno je da dostupnost izvora financiranja statistički ne utječe na performanse
opskrbnog lanca. U posljednjoj fazi testiranja modela dokazano je da performanse
opskrbnog lanca samo djelomično utječu na zadovoljstvo korisnika, dok zadovoljstvo
korisnika ne doprinosi organizacijskim performansama.
Provedeno istraživanje predstavlja temelj za naredna istraživanja u dentalnoj industriji
kako bi se identificirao utjecaj i drugih čimbenika koji doprinose uspješnosti opskrbnih
lanaca. Navedenom ide u prilog da je ovim istraživačkim radom dokazano kako ne
utječu svi faktori opskrbnog lanca na njegovu uspješnost, ali i da je dentalna medicina
podložna dinamičnim promjenama kojima se potrebno kontinuirano prilagođavati. |
Abstract (english) | This doctoral dissertation is focused on the research of trends in work organization of
companies in the dental industry. Namely, the rapid development of medical
knowledge, technique, and technology in the field of dental medicine has changed the
appearance and strength of that industry, quantitatively, qualitatively, and financially,
in such a way that it has become attractive to eminent investors. Consequently, there
is an evident trend of growth of strategic company associations in managed supply
chains, in order to achieve the best possible synergistic effects resulting from mutual
cooperation of companies. Such dramatic changes in the organization and cooperation
of the work of companies in dental medicine have led to the situation that today the
market competition takes place between supply chains, in contrast to the previous
situation, where small, dental offices with limited resources competed with each other.
Current trends also inspired this research, which tries to answer the question, why do
companies form strategic alliances and how is their cooperation carried out? In order
to get answers to these and many other questions, a model was developed that
empirically investigates the relationships between entities in the dental industry of the
Republic of Croatia.
To determine the nature of the relationship between companies and end users of
dental industry services, the application of the concept of supply chain management in
companies that provide dental treatment services in the Republic of Croatia was
analysed. The research is based on the knowledge that the implementation of the
concept of supply chain management, and especially the factors of supply chain
management in the dental industry, has not been sufficiently investigated. Precisely for
this reason, there is a need to first identify and then analyse more deeply and widely
the supply chain management factors that contribute positively to organizational
performance and end user satisfaction. In the theoretical model, the relationships of
supply chain factors: value creation, technology, information technology and
digitization, availability of financing sources on supply chain performance and
organizational performance were tested.
After test of the proposed model, it was determined that performance technology and
relationships between participants in the supply chain strongly and positively influence
the performance of the supply chain. Furthermore, value creation, information
technology and digitization of processes only partially positively affect the performance
of the company's supply chain. It has been confirmed that the availability of financing
sources does not statistically affect the performance of the supply chain. In the last
stage of model testing, it was proven that supply chain performance only partially
affects customer satisfaction, and customer satisfaction does not contributes to
organizational performance.
The conducted research is the basis for further research in the dental industry in order
to identify the influence of other factors that contribute to the success of supply chains.
This is supported by the fact that this research has proven that not all factors of the
supply chain affect its success, but also that dental medicine is subject to dynamic
changes that need to be continuously adapted. |