Title Analiza trendova u industriji videoigara
Title (english) An analysis of trends in the video game industry
Author Luka Cindrić
Mentor Marija Kaštelan Mrak (mentor)
Committee member Marija Kaštelan Mrak (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Danijela Sokolić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Vinko Zaninović (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Rijeka Faculty of Economics and Business Rijeka
Defense date and country 2023-09-26, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics
Abstract Cilj ovog diplomskog rada je istraživanje dinamične industrije videoigara kroz njenu
povijest, te razvoj suvremenih poslovnih modela i tržišnih odnosa potpomognutog napretkom
tehnologija. Temeljem proučene literature o industriji videoigara rad će pružiti primjere tvrtki,
igara i analize tržišta za izvođenje zaključaka. Kriteriji odabira teme diplomskog rada bili su
dinamičnost industrije, visoka koncentracija konkurencije, tehnološki trendovi te poslovni
modeli specifični za industriju. Suvremena industrija videoigara sastoji se od tri podsektora
koji su industrija igraćih konzola, računalna industrija videoigara i industrija mobilnih igara.
Svaka od njih ima velik utjecaj na industriju svojim tehnološkim napretcima i igrama te se za
industriju videoigara predviđa nastavak kontinuiranog rasta. U povijesnom razvoju industrije
govori se o počecima industrije te o nekima od glavnih fizičkih i pravnih osoba poput Ataria i
Teda Dabneya do Williama Nuttinga, te o igrama, igraćim mašinama, konzolama i poslovnim
praksama te kretanjima tržišta koje su obilježile taj povijesni period industrije. Također pad
industrije prikazuje kako nedostatak adekvatnog marketinga i loši proizvodi zbilja mogu
nanesti veliku štetu industriji na nacionalnoj razini, te govori kako u već ranim danima
industrije igrači su najveći kritičari igara te da mase mogu zbilja utjecati na tržište videoigara.
S digitalizacijom i napretkom tehnologije industrija videoigara gotovo se preselila na online
oblike trgovina i distribucije, a digitalizacija bankarskog sustava i online banking dopustili su
da se u industriji razviju mikrotransakcije i model nultog graničnog troška koji je uvelike
zaslužan za uspjeh suvremene industrije videoigara. Naposljetku u diplomskom radu govori
se o cjenovnoj arhitekturi video igara i cjenovnoj diskriminaciji te se prikazuje na koji način
kompanije pokušavaju diferencijacijom proizvoda i cjenovnom diskriminacijom privući što
više kupaca i igrača.
Abstract (english) The aim of this thesis is to research the dynamic video game industry through its
history, and the development of modern business models and market relations supported by
the advancement of technology. Based on the studied literature on video games, thesis will
provide examples of companies, games and market analysis for drawing conclusions. The
criteria for choosing the thesis topic were the dynamism of the industry, high concentracion of
competition, technological trends and industry-specific business models. The modern video
game industry consists of three sub-sectors which are the game console industry, the
computer video game industry and the mobile game industry. Each of them has a large impact
on the industry with their technological advancements and games, and the video game
industry is predicted to continue its continuous growth. The historical development of the
industry talks about the beginnings of the industry and about some of the main physical and
legal persons such as Atari and Ted Daybney and William Nutting, as well as games, gaming
machines, consoles, business practices and market movements that characterized that
historical period of the industry. Also the industry crash of 1983 shows how lack of adequate
marketing and bad products can really do a lot of damage to the national video game industry
of the USA and it also shows that even in the early days the consumers are the biggest critics
of games and companies and that the masses can really influence the video game market.
With digitization and advancement of technology, the video game industry has almost moved
completely to online forms of trade and distribution. The digitization of the banking systtem
and online banking have allowed the development of microtransactions and the zero marginal
cost model that is largely responsible for the success of the modern video game industry.
Finally, the thesis talks about the price architecture of video games and price discrimination
and it also shows how companies try to differentiate products and attract as many customers
and players as possible through price discrimination.
industrija videoigara
nulti granični trošak
cjenovna arhitektura
diferencijacija proizvoda
Keywords (english)
video game industry
zero marginal cost
pricing architecture
product differentiation
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:192:895814
Study programme Title: Business economics; specializations in: Finance, Entrepreneurship, Management, Finance and Accounting, Marketing, International Business, IT Business Course: Entrepreneurship Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a magistar/magistra ekonomije (sveučilišni/a magistar/magistra ekonomije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2023-12-06 14:15:08