Title Metode analize kriptovaluta
Title (english) Methods of cryptocurrency analysis
Author Matija Odak
Mentor Davor Mance (mentor)
Committee member Davor Mance (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Nenad Vretenar (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Jana Katunar (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Rijeka Faculty of Economics and Business Rijeka
Defense date and country 2021-09-27, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics
Abstract U radu je obrađena na primjeru bitcoina analiza prirode kripto valuta, kao jedne od nekoliko kategorija kripto imovine, za to područje primjerenim ekonomskim metodama i modelima. U radu se pomoću pregleda povijesnog razvoja novca i društvenih institucija nudi generalni smjer razvoja daljnjeg izučavanja nastanka i pojave kriptovaluta te pripadajućih ekonomskih principa za njihovo definiranje i proučavanje. Usporednim prikazom razvoja i funkcija novca u suvremenim gospodarstvima sa razvojem i funkcijama bitcoina na Bitcoin blockchainu zaključuje se kako se bitcoin može definirati kao novac u suvremenom smislu jer se koristi kao sredstvo prometa i plaćanja, mjera vrijednosti i cijene te kao skladište vrijednosti. Nadalje, zaključuje se kako bi se bitcoin trebao definirati i kao institucija na način na koji ju definira Searle. U okviru Searleovom inicijalnog načina određenja neke pojave institucijom, forma X se broji kao Y u kontekstu C jasno se odražava na primjeru bitcoina. Štoviše, u okviru Searleovog proširenog načina definiranja institucije, forma samostalnog Y isto tako se odražava na primjeru bitcoina. Također, rastuća općeprihvaćenost bitcoina upućuje na prisutnost kolektivne intencionalnosti kao neizostavnog obilježja svake institucije. Zaključak kako je bitcoin institucija u konačnici proizlazi iz dvije jednostavne premise koje su u radu obrađene i objašnjenje. Ako vrijedi da je novac institucija i ako vrijedi da je bitcoin novac tada mora vrijediti i da je bitcoin institucija. Međutim, rezultati analize prirode Bitcoina i njegov makroekonomski utjecaj na globalna financijska i robna tržišta ukazuju da Bitcoin treba sagledavati iz puno šire perspektive od samog novca. Naime, pogrešno bi bilo misliti kako priroda Bitcoina proizlazi iz njegove novčane dimenzije, materijalne vrijednosti ili tehnološke inovativnosti. Bitcoin kao institucija nastaje kao odgovor na rastuću kompleksnost vanjskog okruženja društava u razdoblju nakon globalne financijske krize 2008. godine. Zbog toga se očekuje kako će kontinuirani rast i razvoj društva nametati potrebu i za kontinuiranim razvojem i proučavanjem Bitcoina prvenstveno kao institucije.
Abstract (english) The paper conducts an analysis on nature of cryptocurrencies, on the example of bitcoin as one of specific type of crypto assets, by using appropriate economic methods and models for this scientific field. The paper provides an overview of the historical development of money and social institutions and offers a general direction for the further study of the origin and emergence of cryptocurrencies and economic principles for their studies. A comparative analysis of development of money in modern economies with development of bitcoin on the Bitcoin block chain suggests that bitcoin can be defined as money in the modern sense because it is used as medium of exchange, unit of account and store of value. Furthermore, it is concluded that bitcoin should also be defined as an institution in the way that Searle defines it. When talking about Searle's original way of defining a phenomenon as an institution, the form X counts as Y in the context C could be clearly recognized on the example of bitcoin. Nevertheless, when talking about Searle's augmented way of defining an institution, the form of free-standing Y terms could be recognized on the example of bitcoin as well. In addition, the growing general acceptance of bitcoin points to presence of collective intentionality as an indispensable property of every institution. The conclusion that bitcoin is an institution ultimately stems from two simple premises that are discussed and explained in the paper. If it is true that money is an institution and if it is true that bitcoin is money, therefore it also must be true that bitcoin is an institution. However, the results of the analysis of the nature of Bitcoin and its macroeconomic impact on global financial and commodity markets indicate that Bitcoin should be viewed from a much broader perspective than money itself. Namely, it would be wrong to think that the nature of Bitcoin stems from its monetary dimension, material value or technological innovation. Bitcoin as an institution emerges as response to the growing complexity of the Global Macro environment in the period after the 2008 global financial crisis. Therefore, it is expected that the continuous growth and development of society will impose the need for continuous development and study of Bitcoin, primarily as an institution.
društvene institucije
financijska tržišta
Keywords (english)
social institutions
financial markets
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:192:884627
Study programme Title: Business Economics; specializations in: Finance and Banking, Entrepreneurship, Management, Finance and Accounting, Marketing, International Business, IT Business, International Business IT Business Course: Entrepreneurship Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra ekonomije (magistar/magistra ekonomije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2021-11-12 12:24:19