Title Ekonomska suradnja EU i Kine - učinci i perspektive
Title (english) Economic cooperation between the EU and China - effects and prospects
Author Marina Ferenčak
Mentor Igor Cvečić (mentor)
Committee member Igor Cvečić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Marko Tomljanović (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Vinko Zaninović (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Rijeka Faculty of Economics and Business Rijeka
Defense date and country 2019-09-26, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics
Abstract U ovom istraživačkom radu, analizarani su učinci i perspektive ekonomske suradnje između Europske unije i Kine na rast i razvoj europske industrije i vanjske trgovine te kvalitetniji položaj Europske unije na globalnom tržištu. Svrha istraživanja je utvrditi koji su učinci razvoja i jačanja trgovinskih odnosa EU i Kine na različite aspekte njihovih industrija i trgovine, dok je cilj istraživanja utvrditi specifičnosti trgovinske i industrijske politike EU i Kine, prikazati ključne etape u razvoju njihove suradnje te odrediti perspektive njihovog razvoja. Europska ekonomska zajednica (EEZ), prethodnica Europske unije (EU) i Kina uspostavile su diplomatske odnose 1975. godine, a danas su važni sudionici u multipolarnom svijetu i dijele odgovornost za promicanje mira, prosperiteta te održivog razvoja za dobrobit svih. Rast kineske potrošnje, posebice usluga, ima potencijal stvaranja novih tržišta za europska poduzeća, dok porast kineskih ulaganja u EU, osim povećanja BDP-a i zaposlenosti u EU, također pruža kineskim tvrtkama platformu za poboljšanje njihove globalne konkurentnosti. Međutim, mnoga europska poduzeća vide kineska poduzeća kao izvore nelojalne konkurencije, kako na tržištima Europske unije, tako i na kineskom tržištu. S druge strane, kineska poduzeća iskazuju zabrinutost da bi Europska unija mogla nametnuti političke mjere protiv njih, poput antidampinških i izravnih carina, koje Kina smatra nepoštenim. Kina se također nalazi usred složene ekonomske tranzicije. Strukturne promjene koje su u tijeku u kineskom gospodarstvu i sporije stope rasta stvaraju nove izazove za europska i kineska poduzeća te upravo iz turbulentnih odnosa koji nastaju između ova dva gospodarstva proizlazi problem istraživanja. Značajne razlike između političkog i ekonomskog sustava Europske unije i Kine pridonose izazovima produbljivanja njihovih bilateralnih ekonomskih veza. S obzirom na spoj izazova i prilika, važno je da čelnici Europske unije i Kine posvete više pozornosti svojoj bilateralnoj strategiji, jer će s obzirom na važnost obje svjetske ekonomije, produbljivanje ekonomskih veza između Europske unije i Kine donijeti obostrane koristi te ići u smjeru jačanja globalne ekonomije i poboljšanja globalnog upravljanja.
Abstract (english) This research paper analyzes the effects of economic cooperation between the European Union and China on the growth and development of European industry, foreign trade and EU's better position on the global market. The purpose of the research is to identify the effects of developing and strengthening EU-China trade relations on various aspects of their industries and trade, while the aim of the research is to identify the specific trade and industrial policies of the EU and China, to outline the key stages in the development of their cooperation and to identify their development prospects. The European Economic Community (EEC), the predecessor of the European Union, and China established diplomatic relations in 1975 and today they are important actors in the multipolar world, sharing the responsibility to promote peace, prosperity and sustainable development for the benefit of all. Growth in Chinese consumption, especially in services, has the potential to create new markets for European businesses, while the increase in Chinese investment in the EU, also provides Chinese companies with a platform to improve their global competitiveness. However, many European companies see Chinese businesses as sources of unfair competition, both in the European Union and Chinese markets. Chinese companies, on the other hand, are concerned that the European Union may impose political measures against them, such as anti-dumping and direct customs duties, which China considers unfair. Also, China is currently in the midst of a complex economic transition. The ongoing structual changes in Chinese economy and slower growth rates are creating new challenges for both European and Chinese companies. This turbulent relations, which appeared between EU and China, is where the problem of the research arises. Significant differences between the political and economic systems of the European Union and China contribute to the challenges of deepening their bilateral economic ties. Given the combination of challenges and opportunities, it is important for the leaders of the European Union and China to pay more attention to their bilateral strategy, because given the importance of both world economies, deepening economic ties between the European Union and China will bring mutual benefits and move towards strengthening the global economy and global governance improvements.
industrijska politika
zajednička trgovinska politika
Keywords (english)
industrial policy
common commercial policy
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:192:442931
Study programme Title: Business Economics; specializations in: Finance and Banking, Entrepreneurship, Management, Finance and Accounting, Marketing, International Business, IT Business Course: International Business Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra ekonomije (magistar/magistra ekonomije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2019-12-12 09:21:12