Import procedure based on the example of Fokus LLC
Leon Miloš This thesis examines the challenges of importing goods from Egypt to the European Union using Fokus LLC as a case study. The issues are detailed and discussed across nine chapters, covering the import process, necessary documentation and essential conditions for successful imports from non-EU countries. The thesis also includes convenient checklists of what needs to be done and legal requirements for each chapter of the import process that are connected to the company. The case study...
Import procedure based on the example of MMM Agramservis Ltd.
Gloria Katunar Every corporation, like every country, approaches the import procedure in a different way.
However, there are rules, norms, and conditions that everyone must adhere to. Imports have an impact on the country, the enterprise, but also on the individual. It enables the fulfillment of customer demands and thus expands the company's market reach. The thesis presents the general approach to import and its significance, the basic steps in the process, the necessary
documents, and the rules that...
Import procedure on the example of EOL-EKOS Ltd. enterprise
Ena Bačinović No country in the world has all the resources it needs, so there is a need to trade globally. International trade emphasizes the importance of a country's economy because without foreign trade, the country would not be able to achieve a competitive position in the world market. From economic interest, imports occur in the function of meeting the needs of the domestic population and the domestic economy with goods - products and services which in the domesticated market do not have them at...
Import procedure on the example of Micro I.C. Ltd. enterprise
Ivan Šarlija Every country has its own reasons to join the international trade. Globalization permits countries to connect with each other in order to achieve economical gains and to be competitive on the world market. In these days, there is an increase in economic dependency of national economies throughout the world with a sudden increase of free movement of goods, services, technology and capital. Because of these changes, international trade is more and more frequent between companies and countries....
Import procedure on the example of Okno L.T.D.
Dino Pavlic Import is in our everyday life. Sometimes people don’t understand how much countries depend on import and international trade. Most of the goods and services are coming to country from outside. Some countries and companies depend more on import and some less. But in general, economy cannot function without it. There are some branches of economy that import 100% of materials for production. When importing goods, goods needs to be checked by customs authorities and custom duties are faced....
Importance of business negotiation in sports management
David Atlija Business negotiation has been defined with many different theories during the past, it is a precondition of every agreement where two or more different parties negotiate, including interactional process of communication where one side has something that other side wants and vice versa. This paper is based on specific type of business negotiation, negotiations in sports management, with focus on football where the student will explain importance and process of negotiation, what is consists of...
Importance of colors in different seasons: case of fashion bloggers
Renata Brkić The purpose of this thesis is to identify the influences of colors and fashion, in the case of Instagram bloggers, during two different seasons. First examined season is summer during the period of July and August of 2017. Second season is winter during the period of December of 2017 and January of 2018. The thesis is focused on the Instagram feeds of four influencers, two of them known internationally and two locally. The overall appearance of the feed can be aesthetically pleasing or...
Importance of managerial skills in leadership
Ines Gregorović In time of dynamic changes of the market, leadership has an important role in the business environment. As one of the management functions, leadership can be defined as an ability of influencing others to work enthusiastically towards completing the common goals. Leadership shows a new direction where change, risk, vision, creativity and challenge become the roots of everyday working style. Management is a base for a successful leadership. Likewise, management skills can be a base for leader...
Impulzivno kupovno ponašanje u online okruženju: primjer modne industrije
Lara Paljuh Online trgovina moderan je način kupovanja koji se razvio u skladu sa razvojem
tehnologije i modernizacijom društva te smatra se da će i dalje rasti. S obzirom na
lakoću uporabe i brojne druge prednosti koje donosi kupovanje u online okruženju, kod
potrošača se često javlja impulzivnost pri kupovanju što predstavlja priliku za
marketinške stručnjake i poduzeća da potaknu potrošače na kupovinu. Impulzivna je
kupovina spontana i neplanirana reakcija potrošača na...
Impulzivno trošenje dobivenog novca
Dominik Mulc Kao dio potrošačkog ponašanja, impulzivna kupovina je spontana, neplanirana i potaknuta iznenadnim željama, što u konačnici rezultira trenutnom kupovinom koja se teško može kontrolirati, pritom ne uvažavajući razlog i posljedice kupovine, kao i vrednovanje samog proizvoda. Isto taku nju karakterizira i snažni emocionalni odgovor uslijed i nakon same kupovine. Unutar ovog rada detaljno su pojašnjenje vrste potrošačkog ponašanja, te definicija i ključni vanjski i unutarnji...
Inbound marketing - rastući trend sadržaja digitalnih medija
Morena Ćubelić Razvoj tehnologije i pojava interneta utjecali su i na promjene u načinu života i poslovanja. Internet je promijenio način na koji se danas kupuju i prodaju proizvodi, način na koji se međusobno komunicira, a navedene promjene su utjecale i na promjenu marketinških tehnika i strategija te pojavu inbound strategije marketinga. Radi se o marketinškoj strategiji čiji je cilj privući potrošača, a koji se pri tome koristi tehnikama kao što su content marketing, SEO optimizacijom za...
Incentivizing voluntary pension funds as a means of ensuring adequate pensions in Croatia
Lucija Togonal The need for reforms of pension systems is evident when considering the demographic challenge modern economies are faced with. The demographic challenge refers to the trend which started with the second Agrarian Revolution and has resulted in a significant drop in fertilities and mortalities worldwide. Further exacerbated with the economic crises and the transitioning process in Croatia, the pension model based on public intergenerational solidarity has proven to be increasingly...