Title Benchmarking analiza Orbico i Atlantic Grupe
Title (english) Benchmarking Analysis of Orbico and Atlantic Group
Author Romana Sobol Turina
Mentor Antonija Petrlić (mentor)
Committee member Antonija Petrlić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Mirjana Grčić Fabić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Petra Adelajda Zaninović (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Rijeka Faculty of Economics and Business Rijeka
Defense date and country 2024-11-26, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics
Abstract Benchmarking analiza uspoređuje poslovne metode i uspješnost među vodećim organizacijama u
industriji s ciljem identificiranja najboljih praksi za unapređenje poslovanja. Fokusirajući se na
Orbico i Atlantic Grupu, dvije vodeće distribucijske tvrtke u jugoistočnoj Europi, istraživanje
pokazuje kako različiti aspekti njihovih poslovanja utječu na tržišni položaj tih organizacija. U
uvodu se postavlja hipoteza prema kojoj je Orbico superiorniji u poslovanju u odnosu na Atlantic
Grupu, temeljeći se na različitim poslovnim pristupima koje obje tvrtke primjenjuju. Kroz analizu
kontrolinga, koji je ključni koncept istraživanja, te benchmarkinga kao procesa usporedbe
poslovnih praksi, istraživanje nastoji identificirati ključne čimbenike uspjeha Orbica. Kontroling,
koji se koristi za postizanje strateških i operativnih ciljeva, u kombinaciji s benchmarkingom,
pomaže organizacijama prepoznati vlastite slabosti i prilike za poboljšanje. Analiza pokazuje da je
Orbico uspješniji u generiranju prihoda, sa stabilnijim i kontinuiranijim rastom, dok se Atlantic
Grupa suočava s izazovima u održavanju stabilnosti prihoda. Orbico se ističe organizacijskom
strukturom koja omogućava brže donošenje odluka i prilagodbu tržištu, dok složenija struktura
Atlantic Grupe usporava reakcije na promjene u okolini. U pogledu kanala distribucije, Orbico se
koristi inovativnim tehnologijama i digitalnim alatima koji optimiziraju procese i smanjuju
troškove, dok Atlantic Grupa još uvijek ovisi o tradicionalnim kanalima. Orbico također nudi širi
asortiman proizvoda i usluga, što mu omogućuje bolje zadovoljenje potreba tržišta, dok Atlantic
Grupa ima izazove u raznovrsnosti ponude. S obzirom na jasno definirane strategije i proaktivan
pristup, Orbico se profilira kao benchmark u industriji, dok Atlantic Grupa može poboljšati svoje
poslovne strategije. Implementacija sličnih pristupa u fleksibilnosti, inovacijama u distribuciji i
proširenju proizvoda može pomoći Atlantic Grupi u postizanju boljih poslovnih rezultata.
Abstract (english) The benchmarking analysis compares business methods and performance among leading
organizations in the industry with the aim of identifying best practices for business improvement.
Focusing on Orbico and Atlantic Group, two leading distribution companies in Southeast Europe,
the research shows how different aspects of their operations impact their market positions. The
introduction sets up the hypothesis that Orbico is superior in business performance compared to
Atlantic Group, based on the different business approaches both companies adopt. Through the
analysis of controlling, a key concept of the research, and benchmarking as a process of comparing
business practices, the study aims to identify the critical success factors of Orbico. Controlling,
used to achieve strategic and operational goals, combined with benchmarking, helps organizations
identify their weaknesses and opportunities for improvement. The analysis shows that Orbico is
more successful in generating revenue, with a more stable and consistent growth trajectory, while
Atlantic Group faces challenges in maintaining revenue stability. Orbico also stands out for its
agile organizational structure, which enables faster decision-making and market adaptation, while
the more complex structure of Atlantic Group slows down responses to environmental changes. In
terms of distribution channels, Orbico employs innovative technologies and digital tools that
optimize processes and reduce costs, while Atlantic Group still relies on traditional channels.
Orbico also offers a wider range of products and services, allowing it to better meet market needs,
whereas Atlantic Group faces challenges in diversifying its offerings. With clearly defined
strategies and a proactive approach, Orbico positions itself as a benchmark in the industry, while
Atlantic Group can use the analysis to improve its business strategies. Implementing similar
approaches in flexibility, innovation in distribution, and product diversification could help Atlantic
Group achieve better business outcomes.
Atlantic Grupa
Keywords (english)
business operations
Atlantic Group
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:192:518359
Study programme Title: Business economics; specializations in: Finance, Entrepreneurship, Management, Finance and Accounting, Marketing, International Business, IT Business Course: Management Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a magistar/magistra ekonomije (sveučilišni/a magistar/magistra ekonomije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2024-12-16 14:30:35