Abstract | Životom u današnjem svijetu sve je veća prisutnosti vanjske trgovine koja je postala dio svakodnevice. Svaka država, poduzeće, ili tvrtka želi ono najbolje za sebe, svoje zaposlenike kako bi bili što uspješniji u onome čime se bave. Ponekad je bilo dovoljna proizvodnja samo na domaćem tržištu, no s sve većim promjenama u svijetu, poput tehnologije i načina života ljudi, mijenja se i sama proizvodnja. Poduzeća su sve više okrenuta prema izvozu na inozemna tržišta jer znaju da je to puno sigurniji ali i više plaćeni posao. Izvoz je veoma pozitivna stvar jer povećava gospodarski rast države, mentalitet ljudi, BDP po stanovniku i mijenja način život. Tvrtka Klanjac se uz proizvodnju na domaćem tržištu bavi i izvozu u rasponu 10 – 15% cjelokupne proizvodnje. U početku su bili usmjereni samo na područje Istarske županije, pa su proširili na Primorsko – Goransku, a kad su postali eksperti u tome šta rade, vidjeli da imaju kupce za svoje proizvode i da od toga imaju profit odlučili su se na izvoz. Kao i sve u ranoj fazi, početak je bio težak, trebalo je stupiti u kontakt s različitim partnerima, suradnicima i sa njima uspostaviti dobar kontakt i dugogodišnju suradnju. Počeli su sa nama susjednim zemljama poput Srbije, a kasnije svoj izvoz proširili i na Austriju, Njemačku, Švicarsku i Francusku sa kojim dobro posluju i očekuju još bolju buduću suradnju. Problemi u izvozu su puno veći nego što je to kod domaće isporuke proizvoda. Uložena su velika financijska sredstva u opremu kako bi proizvodi bili što kvalitetniji, ali također i u obrazovanje radnika koji su glavni resursi kako bi poduzeće uspješno poslovala, jer bez ljudi i njihovih organizacijskih vještina je izvedba nemoguća. |
Abstract (english) | Life in today’s world has a growing presence of foreign trade that has become part of everyday life. Every state, company, or company wants the best for themselves and their employees to be as successful as possible in what they do. Sometimes there was enough production only in the domestic market, but with increasing changes in the world, such as technology and people's way of life, production itself is changing. Companies are increasingly turning to exporting to foreign markets because they know that it is a much safer but also more paid job. Exports are a very positive thing because they increase the economic growth of the country, the mentality of the people, GDP per capita and change the way of life. In addition to production on the domestic market, the company Klanjac also deals with exports in the range of 10-15% of the total production. Initially, they were focused only on the area of Istria County, so they expanded to Primorje-Gorski Kotar, and when they became experts in what they do, they saw that they have customers for their products and that they make a profit from that, they decided to export. Like everything at an early stage, the beginning was difficult, it was necessary to get in touch with different partners, associates and establish good contact and long-term cooperation with them. They started with our neighboring countries such as Serbia, and later expanded their exports to Austria, Germany, Switzerland and France, with which they do business well and expect even better future cooperation. The problems in exports are much bigger than in domestic product delivery. Large financial resources have been invested in equipment to make products as high quality as possible, but also in the education of workers who are the main resources for the company to operate successfully, because without people and their organizational skills, performance is impossible. |
Study programme | Title: Business economics; specializations in: Finance and Accounting, Entrepreneurship, Management, Finance and Banking, Marketing, International Business, IT Business Course: Marketing Study programme type: university Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) ekonomije (sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) ekonomije) |