Abstract | The topic of this thesis is related to the analysis of tourism activity in two European countries – Croatia and Portugal. Both countries are European Union member states, as well as other world famous and influential organizations. After short introduction into the main terms and characteristics needed for further understanding of this topic, the research moved more closely on to real life indicators that show the position of two researching countries regarding their tourism activity. Since tourism activity, with years, becomes much more spread-out and developed, countries often turn to its upgrading in order to increase country’s recognition and make an additional way of increasing state budget. Two chosen countries, according to several characteristics are somewhat in similar position regarding all other European countries. According to their occupied geographical area, Portugal is a bigger country than Croatia as well as with a greater number of inhabitants. But regardless of the data mentioned, their position according to tourism activity is challenging to analyze furtherly and more thoroughly. Based on the data about Croatia and Portugal stored at Eurostat for period of five years – from 2013 to 2017, further indices calculations have been made in order to come to the final conclusion. Overview of used indicators: GDP per capita used in order to show the overall position of a country, according to which Portugal throughout all five years is characterized as a leader in accordance to Croatia. Further on, number of establishments for tourist overnight stays shows that, regarding this point, Croatia is much more tourism oriented and dedicated to development of its tourism activity. This point is proven again with next indicator – Nights spent at tourist accommodation establishments. Regardless of that, another indicator of tourist arrivals shows a different situation where, yearly, Portugal is faced with more tourists exploring its beauties. Number of incoming trips realized in researching countries shows, again, that the numbers are much higher in Portugal than in Croatia. After, so to be said, external analysis of tourism activity, focus is drawn on to the share of total population involved in tourism activity. Mentioned indicator shows that Croatian residents are more tourism oriented than Portuguese. And last but not least, is the part where analysis is focused on coastal and non – coastal areas of countries. Croatian coastline is much greater in square kilometers than Portuguese one, together with this goes the fact that number of nights spent in coastline tourist accommodations is also greater. On the other hand, Portuguese Republic is a leader regarding the non – coastal areas. And finally, based on all data calculated and provided it can be concluded that, although, Portuguese Republic with its greater geographical area and better overall position and living standards in it, is not oriented to tourism as much as Croatia is. The results can be attributed to Croatian smaller territory but the fact that Croatian inhabitants are more opened and oriented to exploring other cultures than their own and that people’s wealth is much more dependable on tourism activity, cannot be excluded. |