Abstract | U završnom radu provedena je analiza i prikazan je zaključak o analiziranim dijelovima kartičnog poslovanja Privredne banke Zagreb. Uz ključne sastavnice kartičnog poslovanja kao što su neto dobit nakon oporezivanja, prihod i rashod od naknada i provizija,broj klijenata i kartica i drugi,zaključeno je da navedena banka tj. njena sastavnica PBZ Card zadužena za kartično poslovanje jako dobro posluje,zauzima liderski položaj na području domaćeg kartičnog poslovanja i da u mnogim segmentima tog područja iskazuje zavidne rezultate i konstantan rast iz godine u godinu bez obzira na interne i eksterne čimbenike koji djeluju već dulji niz godina u negativnom smjeru. Bez obzira na teške godine popraćene jakom krizom u cijelom svijetu,pogotovo na domaćem terenu,uz realno postavljene ciljeve,pravilnim upravljanjem rizicima i opravdanim troškovima negativni rezultati,koji su trebali doći kao posljedica gospodarske krize,su smanjeni i svedeni na minimum. Također,dobro pripremljenom i unikatnom strategijom poslovanja i upravljanja banka svakodnevno radi na unaprjeđivanju svake vrste kapitala,no ponajviše na području ljudskog (posebice intelektualnog,socijalnog i moralnog kapitala) i fizičkog kapitala. Dostupnom tehnologijom svake godine unaprjeđuje i lansira nove vrste proizvoda u cilju zadovoljenja klijenata,osvajanja i zadržavanja titule najboljih te privlačenja novog kapitala bez kojeg uspjeh ne bi bio omogućen. Uvođenjem beskontaktnih kartica,EFT POS uređaja koji podržavaju takav tip kartice,i raznih mini beskontaktnih kartica tzv. stickera svakom klijentu pružena je mogućnost efikasnije, sigurnije,jednostavnije i brže usluge. |
Abstract (english) | In this thesis an analysis was carried out and the conclusion on the analyzed parts of the card transactions of Privredna banka Zagreb is presented. By considering the crucial parts of card transactions, such as net profit after taxation, income and expense of fees and commissions, number of clients and cards, and many other, it is concluded in the thesis that the bank i.e. her part PBZ Card in charge for card transactions, is doing very well, it is taking the lead in the field of domestic card transactions and that in many segments of this area it shows enviable results and steady growth from year to year regardless of the internal and external factors that have been operating for a number of years in the negative direction. In spite of the difficult years stricken by a strong crisis all over the world, especially on the domestic market, with realistic targets, proper risk management and justified costs, the negative results that were to come as a result of the economic crisis were reduced to the minimum. Futhermore, with well-prepared and unique strategy of operating and managing, the bank is constantly improving every type of capital, mostly in the human (especially intellectual, social and moral resources) and physical resources. Using the available technology,the bank improves and launches new product types every year in order to satisfy the clients, to win and retain the best titles and attract new capital without which the success would not be possible. By introducing contactless cards, EFT POS devices that support that kind of card types, and various mini-contact cards, that is "the stickers“, it gives each client the opportunity of more efficient, safer, simpler and faster services. |
Study programme | Title: Business economics; specializations in: Finance and Accounting, Entrepreneurship, Management, Finance and Banking, Marketing, International Business, IT Business Course: International Business Study programme type: university Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) ekonomije (sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) ekonomije) |